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How I wish I am not a black man

How I wish I was not born

How I wish I was not educated

How I wish I do not have any talent

How I wish I do not have a heart

How I wish I was as rugged as the guy in the movie

How I wish I am not as dull as I am

How I wish I was Dan

How I wish I own a private jet

How I wish I have a good phone

How I wish people loves me

Hiw I wish I hate just the way I want to

How I wish I was Donald Trump lineage

How I wish my eyes can see like an eagle

How I wish I never had a wish

How I wish wishes are magic words

How I wish life has no end

How I wish our sins won't be counted

How I wish I am the witch that knows all

How I wish I have super powers

How I wish I am a billionaire

How I wish I come from a rich home

How I wish wishes come tru easily

work hard and pray your wishes is around the corner

It's been awhile, hope you reading this is fine?.... You can add your other wishes in the comment box....

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