Unrequited Lust


First of all, I apologize. Lusting after another is not an admirable trait of someone whom is already in a relationship. However it happened. It was quick, but memorable. A feeling that will carry on long after the toll has been paid and I will not be sorry for a memory.

It came about all of a sudden. The twinge of desire burned deep. Through the day the ember only grew into an inferno of selfishness. Having not the fortitutde to withstand it any longer, I grabbed my coat and left, right in the middle of my shift. No fluffs were given.

I made my way to the destination. The transaction was faster than most. A minor inconvenience to my means and worth it in every sense. I pulled over to a spot, shaded on three sides from view. Not wanting to blow through the entire event, I wished to savor. A nibble here and a spreading of the sauce so to speak. The a ravenous sensation enveloped me and I had the whole thing. The whole taco. The juices dripped from my chin as the smile from my smile beamed in the solitude of my vehicle.

It was done. Left satisfied but the knowledge that the want would return. With time, that lust would fade as it always does. For now it's back to my life but know that you will be on my mind again. My desire will spark and grow again and we will be together, although briefly in the future.

Taco Bell, remember me.

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