"Evening on a South Georgia (USA) River"

Ohoopee_T Smith8.jpg

Evening on the banks of a river in South East Georgia,
Is a magical time, unlike any other place on earth.
The sounds, the
Smells as the day ends and the night begins,
Emanate peace from every direction.
The sun,
Setting behind the dense trees,
Shines one last time
On the treetops, as the
Whippoorwills of the night begin
To replace the birds of the day, the
Mourning dove, with its plaintive cry, as if
lamenting the end of the day.
Owls begin to hoot, as
Pond Scoggins” fly overhead on
Their way to roost for the night.
Added to all this
Magical transitioning, is the
Smooth gurgle of the river itself, the frogs and crickets, the
Whine of the cicadas, make a veritable
“Symphony of Nature”.
White sands,
Water the color of iced tea…it is
A mystical experience.
I highly
Recommend it to everyone.
Nature has a language.
Anyone can learn it.
In fact,
You know it already.

“Evening on a South Georgia River II”

Jerry E Smith
original photo of the Ohoopee River, taken by my cousin Tom, used with permission

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

This .gif was created by @elgeko

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