How To Be The Perfect Woman For Any Man

Hey steam family! I love you all.... Being on steam is actually womderful. It gives me an opportunity to express my self.

Anyway, today I want to talk about the woman every man wants. I think I can authoritatively say I know a lot about what men want being a woman my self.

So let's get to it. I'll be listing down son of the thing that once any lady understand and applies would make her thee the perfect woman. To any man and not just that, but also be un-resistable.

1. As a lady, girlfriend, wife or lover, never are yourself as equals. I know there is lot of arguments out there saying women are equal to men. The truth is that when it comes to relationships this is never true. Is you want your relationship to grow and last you might want to take your position at the back of your man. After all, behind every successful man there is a woman the key word being behind

2. Every man loves to be respected. To be the perfect woman you need to be respectful. Truth be told these days ladies aren't so respectful like in the old days. A woman without respect is a complete turn off to men. The only time men aren't turned off by bad manners in a woman is when all they want from a woman is sex, so they don't care if you got manners or not. So you ladies need to reflect out there.

3. As a lady, you must be playful to an extent. Being all to serious wouldn't really help you hit jackpot. Be fun with your man, play games, set the mood for some fun. Kid around, when you do this turns men up.

4. You need to make your man feel macho, like only he can protect you, your knight in shiny armour. You see sometimes when you are strong, simply pretend to be weak. Men love this. So ladies, when next you see a bee, wasps, rats and spider's, screem and call your mans name out loud and maybe be more dramatic like leaping into his hands.

**5. Be sexy! Never miss the chance to dress sexy while you are together, act sweet and loving.

**6. Never resist the opportunity to make body contact with your man, Make contact when ever you can, get close, especially when at movies or functions.

6. Its important that everyone knows how to cook good food. The saying that the way to a man heart is through his stomach is true. A woman that can't cook is a man and no man want to marry a man with exception of gay. So you might want to start going for cooking lesson's.

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So there is you have it!!!! Hope you enjoyed it!! Please read and upvote

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