Public Relations and Advertising

From the beginnings of mankind, man always sought the way to relate to his environment, as an example, we have the relationship between Adam and Eve, with the evolution of time, the world managed to make known great personalities who performed on different occasions Public relations practices. Without depriving merits to the natives since they were the first ethnies that inhabited this territory before and after the discovery realized by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
In Venezuela the main promoter of these public relations activities was Simon Bolivar, since he achieved with his knowledge, dedication, decision, communication, among others, the freedom of six nations: Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Panama and Venezuela. In his tour of these nations he achieved great feats leaving his name and his country Venezuela high.
Nevertheless, it is in 1964 that Lieutenant Colonel Juan Merchán López founds the Superior School of Public Relations (Esderp), which was elevated in 1972, by Presidential Decree No. 921, to the University Institute of Public Relations (Iuderp) , With powers to grant the title of university superior technician in Public Relations. Since then, three decades of continuous work have been accomplished by virtue of the consolidation of Public Relations as a profession. During this time Iuderp participated twice in the presidency of the Association of Venezuelan Relations and was projected internationally, during the two presidencies of Merchán López in the Inter-American Federation of Associations of Public Relations (Fiarp), being Venezuela permanent seat of its Secretariat General until 1995.

Since then the Iuderp has been in charge of training professionals in the area of ​​public relations, on April 28, 2004, the National Council of Universities authorized the IUDERP to award degrees in Public Relations. There are, at present, different concepts of public relations, since several authors have been given the task of deepening their true essence; the communication. In this way, all these concepts indicate that public relations: they are in charge of managing communication between an organization and society in order to achieve the benefit, or common welfare and integration of all public.
It should also be noted that public relations are not brochures, brochures, brochures, brochures or any other format typically advertising. What may happen is that on occasion these formats are used to broadcast the public relations campaign messages. Likewise, it should not be confused with the public relations activities, the campaigns of launching of certain products or with the propagandistic campaigns of a politician.
In fact, as a result of the implementation of the technology, over the years, different strategies or communication tools focused on giving information, knowing or promoting a specific product were announced.
It is evident, then, that the mainly linked one is the publicity, since its concept indicates to us that it is a technique used to give to inform the public about a good or service through the existing means of communication, with the purpose Of impelling that public towards certain consumption action. The main feature that maintains advertising is the sale of a product, or service as its concept indicates.
Relatively there is now a connection between public relations and publicity, since both use communication as a source to achieve its purpose, inform and persuade the different audiences to which it is directed, in fact, is through Advertising and public relations that the organization can communicate with a large number of people at the same time, implementing an action plan to gain public understanding and acceptance.
Following the above, in Venezuela public relations have not yet managed to position themselves in large organizations, as is the case in other countries, where it is evident that these great brands have an excellent and successful team that works their public relations. The summary of the book the fall of advertising and the rise of public relations, shows how these companies maintain their positioning thanks to public relations and not to advertising, as advertising has no credibility. Where it is known that advertising is not responsible for creating the brand but to defend it, as is the case of Google, Amazon, Zara, among others.
Venezuela counts on great professionals in matters of public relations, who maintain a great weight on their shoulders, to give to the race the true levels and recognitions that deserve, in the majority of Venezuelan companies the positions of public relations and Institutional, handled by a social communicator, or some professional who has no idea of ​​what is really the essence of the career. Many graduates have come to the labor market in search of entering and establishing themselves in the different social structures in our country, in order to make known the true benefits and the profile of each graduate. Since the functions of relationalists have been significantly distorted, in many cases, it is linked to parties, liquor making, among others. According to the above, part of the large number of licensed Venezuelans and public relations technicians raise and maintain the credibility that characterizes us as pioneers in caring for and demonstrating the truth in each of our actions for the benefit of an individual or Of the community in general. The day that the great graduates, or specialists in public relations maintain their reputation, credibility, respect, therefore, make known the true benefits of the career that decided to exercise the history of public relations in Venezuela will give a 360 degree turn Throughout the approaches made, I would conclude, that publicity and public relations are two pillars at the time of the execution of the launch of a commercial product or personal and the image of the same, since when performing a good team work The successful selection of social media suitable for the development of publicity and public relations functions, as well as the timely design of plans that not only seek to satisfy short-term needs, but are constructed in order to achieve an image Constant and lasting over time, of course always taking into account the changes Consumers and the market. For this reason the professionals of the publicity and the public relations in Venezuela must work together of way to achieve in the not too distant future that position that maintain, in other latitudes, both races; To fix, to make clear that one hand needs the other, so that it can achieve the prestige and trust that have lost on the part of society in general.
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