Brain drain as it affects Venezuela and Public Relations I part

Brain drain, as it affects Venezuela and Public Relations.
Venezuela, a large, beautiful country, full of riches, exotic places and
More important his people, his beautiful women, entrepreneurs, wisdom, greatness
And courage of his men, his people who daily get up very early to work, to give their best in their daily activities, in this way to make or demonstrate the human quality that is in each member of this beautiful country full of Solidarity, peace, love and union. Women and Men who form the culture of their families and the great educators of all the children belonging to the so-called golden generation, the future of the nation.
Children who wake up with an incredible spirit of learning, charisma,
Intelligence, and the most important thing that everyone has, a curiosity to know the why of things; From the farthest corner of the national territory we are invaded by those people who demonstrate to have an IQ to excel in any university career they decide to study. With the inseparable help of their parents, who seek to forge in their children that knowledge that they in some cases did not have for different reasons. As our liberator Simon Bolivar said "an uneducated being is an incomplete being" we are educated in the best colleges, colleges, universities, public or private seeking to achieve that knowledge that will provide professional and personal growth in large companies where services are provided; Those Venezuelan organizations that have formed and are internationally renowned, is the duty of all those great professionals who are prepared in Venezuelan university classrooms.
Companies such as Polar, Nestlé, Coca Cola, Cantv, Pdvsa, Telefonica, P & G
Among others, which are the dream of these trained people who demonstrate the knowledge to be part of these great social structures, how many of them do not give their best to get their internships in those places, And gaining the position they are covering for that moment, of course there are other factors that currently influence whether they stay or not, as is "cronyism only to mention one, which today is the most frequent. When achieving the main objective they dream of continuing to climb positions in these or other companies, acquiring more studies, specializing in the race that they decided to exert.
But the reality is unfortunately another totally different from the "duty
Being "since in the present we have a reality country that affects large and small, intellectuals, professionals, students and people in general; Prepared people looking for ways to leave the country for a fracture in their roots, economy, inflation, insecurity, shortage of all products of the basic basket, and personal hygiene, among others.

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