Advertising and Propaganda in Venezuela seen from the optics

Advertising and propaganda in Venezuela have undergone visible changes for the relief society, as the country is gradually transforming itself from a "private" system that was managed by a small group of society that controlled the media, to a free, state and legislated system to ensure respect for the population and their right to truthful and free information. Although television being a supposedly public service, it has been contaminated by economic and business activity, including advertising and political propaganda, which, because it is not 100% regulated by the legislators, is allowed to play with advertising and propaganda in a manner excessive harm to the physical, psychological and mental health of the population at different ages.

The Venezuelan state realized that television and radio are a means par excellence to spread the culture, language and knowledge of the society that surrounds us. From that point on, they started to create independent radio channels and stations, which have been having problems with other services such as subscription television, satellite television and the Internet that are adopting minds and bombarding them with unregulated information. allows these media to persuade them with junk advertising and propaganda that in turn erases the culture, ideologies and values ​​that already existed in the minds of these people and are now creating others that never existed. For this reason the Venezuelan state is strengthening the regulatory norms of advertising and propaganda.

Of course, these restrictions or regulations have not always been able to defend the interests of spectators, listeners or readers. Advertisers have used certain things in the law to avoid effective control of practices and content.

Certainly, the Venezuelan state has been struggling with the problem of excesses in the media. There are those who believe that the solution is through self-regulation. There has been a long time for those who talk about an ethical code of advertisers and informants. But the truth is that, at present, the following restrictive and regulatory rules were created, for example:

• Law of Social Responsibility in Radio and Television
• Regulation No. 6 of the organic law on electoral processes in the area of ​​propaganda during election campaign
• Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (LOPNA).
• (CONATEL) Technical Norms on Definitions, Time and Conditions of Advertising, Propaganda and Promotions in the Radio, Television and Subscription Diffusion services.
• Draft law of partial reform of the law of national cinematography
• (ANDA) National Association of Advertisers- Venezuela
• (CEACC) Code of Ethics and Self-regulation of Commercial Communications.
It is also necessary to know a little about the Code of Ethics, as it speaks to us in many of his articles on respect for human beings during advertising production.

The Code of Ethics states the following:


Article 1.-
Every advertising expression must respect the dignity of the individual, the integrity of the family nucleus, the national interest, constitutional authorities, public and private institutions, national symbols, the forgers of nationality and the countries that make up the world community.
Article 2.-
Advertising, in any of its expressions, should not encourage, encourage, encourage or induce any kind of illegal activity or that violates morality and generally accepted good customs as standards of conduct.


Article 3.-
All advertising or advertising must respect the privacy of the individual and his family, the use of images of private life, customs and customs, should be treated with the respect, decorum and good taste necessary.
Article 4.-
No advertisement can offend the religious, political or social conditions of individuals or groups, nor harm the dignity of the person or the family institution.
Article 5.-
Advertisements or commercial foods, which by their specific characteristics have a basic market for children, must present consumption situations in which good manners and good taste serve as patterns of behavior.
Article 6.-
Every advertising piece aimed at children and young people must respect the naivete of children, inexperience and the feeling of loyalty to the minors.
Article 7.-
No notice should imply to the child that the fact of not consuming a particular product places him in a situation of inferiority with respect to the others.
Article 8.-
No notice can lead, veiled or openly, to the disrespect of the right of private property, enshrined in the National Constitution.
Article 9.-
The advertising expression can not lead to innuendos, affirmations or suggestions that are contrary to l


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