Lost story - The Devils

I believe that everyone in life is accumulating demons ...

What are demons, let's see, my concept of a demon is very different from what anyone has, for my demon is that vast disease that you transmit to another person causing a specific pain being aware of that pain, but you consider that this does not make you bad person, I’ll explain myself; Someone causes you pain, transmits you a specific demon of that pain, it grows out of grudges, rages, memories and sooner or later you will spread it to another person.

There are demons of all colors, all kinds of grudges and all kinds of memories, the hardest to fight are the demons related to the betrayals and the symptoms of these are: Abdominal pain, inexplicable tears, differential behaviors in the individual, desire to not wanting to do anything, feeling loss, then they begin to lower those symptoms sometimes to disappear, but there is a symptom that always stays with you; fear, a fear of a particular circumstance, you think you’re cured but it's not true, it's like the flu, after you control it, but the virus always remains in your dormant body, waiting for your defenses to be lowered for attack again; the fear from time to time attacks with a memory and some symptoms return, you begin to self-medicate with erroneous philosophies about how to live, or how to behave in those situations when you contracted the demon.

There are people immune to these demons, I have seen them, those who do favors without asking, who serve you with a smile all day, I believe that their immunity is constant sharing and there is healing, sharing, giving without expect nothing in return, just look at your mother to see if you would be able to get a demon, right?

Many of us carry those demons, and the more we carry, the more difficult it is to live, it is a constant weight, difficult to carry, that generates pain for those you love, fear to live, to be, we lock ourselves in ourselves and these demons are fed by our selfishness and can generate zombies, yes, those who are dead in life, those who carry wrong philosophies of how to live, go around with heaviness, they have difficulty walking, they constantly renew their status in social networks to escape emptiness and continue blog like, millionaire minds, or millionaire attitude and share memes of lack of love but not able…


I hope you enjoyed my post, I will be sharing more of my adventures and stories, we will visit the most beautiful places of Valle del Cauca and Colombia, if you liked support with your Upvote and Reesteem. I will be responding to your comments.


Images taken by the user @ivar1aldana with iPhone 6s

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