8 Content Ideas For When You Have Writer's Block

We've all been there. You want to write a post. Maybe it's been a little too long since your last one. You have no ideas though and every time you sit down to try and type something out nothing comes out. If you're stuck in that writer's rut, then read through this post. Here are 8 content ideas for when you have writer's block and can't think of anything to post. 

Write about a topic that you enjoy reading about

The best thing to do when you're fresh out of ideas is to read other people's work. This will help get your creativity flowing and will spark your mind with new ideas. Obviously you don't want to copy others, but if you read something that you really like then write about something similar and credit them. Also, if you enjoy reading about a topic, you'll probably have some ideas of your own to write about it. 

Write about something you wish was different

Everyone wishes that something was different. We always strive for the best and to be successful. Obviously, you don't want to just complain about the way something is, but think of how you can go about changing it. Maybe you wish you were a different weight. Write about how you plan to change that and hold yourself accountable to that. Maybe you wish people were nicer to each other. Write about how you promise to be a kinder person to others and encourage other people to do the same. 

Write about a new thing you've learned recently 

When I don't know how to do something, I normally turn to the internet to help me out. I either read an article or watch a video explaining what I need to know. If you've learned something new recently, share your knowledge with others! A tutorial or DIY is something people are always interested in and it's a great content idea for when you've got writer's block. 

Write about an experience you've had 

There's a reason story time videos are so popular on YouTube right now. Everyone likes hearing about other people's experiences in life. Whether it's something funny, sad, crazy, or just normal, write about it! You might think that no one wants to hear about your boring life but dig a little deeper. You probably have an experience that you can share that other people will really enjoy and benefit from reading or hearing.

Write about a topic you're an expert in

Everyone has something unique about them or a talent that they excel in. When you're struggling with writer's block, write about something that you know like the back of your hand. You're writing will be better when you're truly invested in the topic and enthusiastic about it. People want to know more about what you're good at. Share your expertise with others about whatever you're great at.

Write about what frustrates you

This is similar to writing about something you wish were different, but write about a topic, an issue, or anything that just ticks you off. Is the writer's block you're currently experiencing frustrating you? Then write about that and how you're feeling. One of the best ways to combat writer's block is to write. It may be the worst stuff you've ever written but you need to keep writing. Writing is a great form of therapy and when you write about what frustrates you, it can help you feel better.

Write about what's happening in the world today

A million different things are happening in the world everyday. You don't have to be a top journalist to share news and write about events taking place. It doesn't have to be news about bombings, peace treaties, or other major world events. Tell people about what is going on in your world, whether that be your school, city, or neighborhood. There is a Lettuce Club on my campus and there is a head of lettuce eating competition every semester to decide who the new president will be. Find something small and newsworthy going on that you can share.

Write about the future or something you'd like to do in the future 

The future is something that we as humans focus on a lot. We are always looking to the future and thinking about what it will be like, hoping it will be better than the present. You can find something to write about when you think of your future or the future of the world. Research about new technology that may or may not exist 10 years from now or plan out your goals for the future. If you're stuck with writer's block and need a post idea, think about the future and roll with an idea that sticks in your mind.

I hope this post helps you if you're struggling to think of content ideas or have writer's block. Don't forget to upvote, resteem, and follow! Thank you for reading! -Kayla

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