Ever wondered what life is?

Greetings, fellow humans/steemians of planet earth

Have you ever asked yourself- What is life? Who am I? Or Why am I here?
(That's right, everyone has)

Such questions are the inescapable fate of the human experience and are nothing short of inevitable.
Worry not, for you are in the right place.

By that, I do not claim to have the definitive answer for such questions, or even an answer at all.

In answering such questions, it is helpful to consider new ideas as a sort of working hypothesis. In doing this, new ideas and concepts do not have to be accepted or integrated with current beliefs. They can instead be contemplated without resistance, free from limitations in comprehending and understanding such ideas. As is the case with the information I intend to share, you do not have to accept or believe in these new concepts, but rather, can contemplate them from neutrality without the need for an instant and tangible answer.
The Foundations
There are many institutions, religions, societies, cultures, belief systems etc. that offer solutions to these questions in abundance. Chances are, you have had some experience in one or more of these structures. To your dissatisfaction they have offered no satisfactory resolution to the deep undefinable yearning for something more. It may be that you have never considered any possibility outside of these structures as they facilitate an existence which is seemingly comfortable or bearable. It may be that something just doesn’t seem right about the world or the life you are living. Whatever the case, you are here now reading these words and as a result can consider the possibility that there could be a reason for this.

So… Why do I ask such questions?

Well, the process of even asking such questions or searching for some sort of truth is a natural reaction to the confusion, separation and polarity that we see in the world today. With a seemingly infinite range of ideas, opinions and expressions; colours, creeds and variations it is easy to be overwhelmed and simply surrender to the possibility that there is no truth, effectively believing in nothing and accepting the status quo with all its variations. This is often the most logical reaction to the world around us and is the position I personally assumed for most of my life so far. On the other hand, I have also subscribed to extreme and rigid beliefs along the way and in doing so have seen them for what they are. From this experience, I offer the insight that true wisdom is, in effect, knowing what you do not know - it is understanding that what is not yet discovered and understood far outweighs what is already discovered and accepted as fact. Operating from this notion frees the mind from limitation of what is possible and what is not – in turn, creating an infinite ocean of possibility without the need to accept or reject incoming information.
There are around 8 billion other people currently alongside you that share this reality know as planet earth (and probably many more in the universe beyond), and as you probably already know, it is not a walk in the park, or at least not for the time being.

However, do not dwell in this confusion and possible frustration as it will only lead to further confusion and frustration. Instead, contemplate the possibility that it was somewhat designed this way and by searching for answers you are taking the first step towards something greater.

Let’s try a thought experiment:
Imagine the world is a stage and for all intents and purposes you are an actor. In fact, everyone is an actor. Now imagine this life and reality you are experiencing is a show or a play and together, as actors, we are creating this play.
In this play a script has been provided for you. The nature of this script and the character you play has largely been determined by the unique combinations of factors and circumstances you have experienced. Such factors include: where you were born, who your parents are, what you have been taught, which institutions you belong to, and so on – in doing so a personality or identity has formed and gradually crystallised – this is the character you have played.
Based on the factors and circumstances with which you have been presented there have been decisions to make and opportunities to consider.
Such decisions have an impact on the course of your script, ranging from the minor, less impactful ones such as: what to have for breakfast, or which socks to wear. Right up to major, more impactful choices, such as which people to associate with or which job to apply for. The fact that we can make such choices is a demonstration that we have free will.
Consider the possibility that this free will has so far only been exercised to a fraction of its potential – That you have the power not only to improvise within this script, but further, hold the power to write a whole new script. One which is aligned to the deepest part of you, the part which yearns for something more. This is the script people often dream of as a young child, and for the vast majority of people, this dream was never pursued beyond the “imagination”. As the world around you told you what was possible and what was achievable, this dream seemed increasingly difficult to achieve, fading until it appeared entirely unattainable.

I am not directly suggesting you should have been a builder if you imagined being a builder, or a doctor if you imagined being a doctor. Rather I’m referring to the purest, un-tarnished self which had the ability to dream and propensity to imagine, the self which had no start or end, no right or wrong, no possible or impossible.
As your experience of the play has progressed you have increasingly identified with the script you were provided and therefore the character you have played.

What if this character is not you? What if You are the actor simply playing a role?
If you are in fact this character and nothing more, would you even be able to consider this notion?
But if I am not the character, who am I?

As is often the case, a good actor, when preparing for a role, will often immerse themselves in the character they are playing; embodying their character in all areas of life. This could include speaking, dressing and behaving like the character, even when they are not performing as them. In doing this, they become the character they are playing, making the performance of this character feel natural and seamless. In a similar way, you have been performing from the provided script for as long as you can remember and in doing so have completely identified with the character you are playing. By embodying this character, you have been able to interact with the other actors around you, performing some sort of role or function within the play of life.

The question then remains. Who or what is the actor?

The actor is the infinite consciousness that is having this experience you know to be life. It is the actor that wears the costume, the essence that powers your human body. It is the eye behind the lens, the being behind the doing, the spectator deep within. Using the play analogy, you are both the actor and the spectator. You have no start or end, no good or bad, no light or dark - It is the part of us which is fundamentally equal, the part of us that we all have in common and we all share.

This may seem ridiculous or impossible initially, and for good reason. The answer to this question cannot be comprehended or understood using the logical mind but rather can be felt as the most subtle and undefinable part of your being. As a result, this concept may appear not to make sense. It is, however, likely to resonate with the actor within. Therefore, it does not have to make sense, rather it will just feel right at some level, a level which is immeasurable but present nonetheless, untouchable and intangible yet subjectively detectable.

I am aware that much of this information may seem impossible to believe or even entertain within your current understanding of life. I do not ask that you believe or accept it at all, as stated previously, I merely present a rhetoric for our true most fundamental nature. You likely have many questions regarding this kind of information, if this is the case feel free to leave a comment that I will do my best to respond to. I plan to build upon the ideas presented in this post at great length and will post many more writings of this nature. If this information resonates with some part of you or stirred you in any way, I encourage you to follow me to explore this concept of infinite-self further.
Thank you and have a wonderful day 😊

“Rely not on the teacher, but on the teaching. Rely not on the words of the teaching, but on the spirit of the words. Rely not on theory, but on experience. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” – The Buddha

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