Working Title "What The Fuck?" - Chapter 2, Appendices, & Glossary


Chapter 2

Why was today different?
Why was today different from all the days that came before it?

All the days that she was able to swallow the big lumps without chewing them, or even chew the big lumps that tasted like dukey, not that she had ever actually eaten a bowel movement, but she guessed from the smell what it would taste like. There had been days and days like that where she had to consume excrement - kind of like the Ethopians, eating mudcakes just to fool their stomachs into believing they were full, she had been taking in piles and piles of crap, chewing them up and swallowing them - and like the lotus flower, she had been processing them, de-crapping them, and prolifically putting out artwork for years and years.

But not today. It was something about all of the various straws falling one after another that finally broke her in half. Today was the day she finally imploded.

The timing did seem to be right.

Her timing was always right - even when her car breaks down, it always breaks down in front of a gas station.

Straw number 1; See Appendix A: The Clients

Althea works as a caregiver with the elderly. She does not really like it at all, but mainly this is because she believes she should be a full-time artist. This is a huge drain on her - hating her job. Plus her job is a huge drain because of it's nature. She is on the verge of surrendering to it. So, because her hours were cut, she had a day off - to implode. To sob all day long, on and off. But her hours being cut also was a Straw because she had not been saving money particularily, and now she was reduced to $88 a week from $276. Boom.

Straw number 2:

In this case, her hours had been cut at work.

Of course the job had sent her a message at 8am begging her to take Sol Levine; the 92 year old carpenter Vermont transplant.

See Appendix A:The Clients; for details on Sol.


But she had been on the phone with Derk when the text came in and she had ran it by him - he said "You can't work today, can you?" She said, "I don't know" He said "To Thine Own Self Be True" and she broke down again into sobs - "But WHO IS THAT??? I don't even know who I am - it feels like there are 2 people in here - one says that I should do what they want and the other needs space - who is this Self that I am supposed to be true to???"

He understood - he has been there and for him it was terribly uncomfortable - to break down in tears like that - to sob uncontrollably and not really know why - the logical mind can't really comprehend when the subconscious implodes. He told her - "I don't think you can drive".

Well maybe that was true, she reasoned - she could not even get dressed or gather her belongings. And she proved that later when she went out to recycle her plastics and paper and drove home in the bike-lane without realizing.

She was even past the point where driving and crying was safe. That was usually her fail-safe mechanism - to drive-cry, but this time she could not even comprehend road signs.

So something was guiding her for sure - her guardian angels, the Nature Spirits she regularly gathered to help her with her body and with the garden

See Appendix E: The All

It seemed to be the apex of events - the gridlock of the Cosmic Traffic Jam - the cacophony of straws all falling together to produce the breaking point of her attempt to feed the Art Monster and working to make a living.

See Appendix F: The Art Monster

and make a living in this cut throat Denver economy of Satanism

See Glossary for Definitions (satanism)

Feed the Art Monster 4 days a week, and pat the hands of the elderly while their children kill them 3 days a week. Yup.

Straw number 3:

Derk, her BFF made a remark on Saturday, "I don't see how you expect to make a living anyway just working 3 days a week - and then when they offer you extra hours, you turn them down".

It was devastating to hear him say this to her and she reacted - Mistake #1 leading to Straw number 3

See Appendix B: Derk; Do's and Don'ts

She had hoped that he understood and it was a devastating blow to her pride to have him not seem to get it. He was her love light. He was proof that she still "had it" and he was her best friend, her buddy, her pal. She had hoped that she wasn't going to have to explain to her comrade how she has to feed the Art Monster.

He had just bought her 132 colored pencils for her birthday. Didn't he "get it"? She had researched the colored pencils for 2 months to make sure they were the right ones before she let him buy them for her. And he had $80 to drop on them because he works in the trades and is a worker-bee -

He is an electrician - a Master Journeyman Electrician who teaches electrical apprenticeship and who is looking to become an electrical inspector - wow! What he does - people WANT in Boomtown. That is also a straw. Let's say that's Straw number 3a. Derk is a creative genius. He also has a side job that he created for himself, where he gets to be super creative but it's still answering to an outer calling rather than an inside(s) calling, because he has a market for his products.

Straw number 3a

It's a straw that's been growing for a year really... - because Derk just cannot understand why she can't sell her art. (She laughs sarcastically and quietly to herself) - Derk says he can sell anything - and he does.

See Appendix D: Selling Art -

Everybody needs electricity but nobody knows they need art. Here he is - accusing her of being a slacker - basically - because she only wants to have her soul sucked out through her eyeballs 3 days a week. Plus she was refusing the extra hours so they could spend time together on New Year's. To her this is much more important than work.

When it comes to making art...she works morning noon and night when she is on a roll - painting, drawing, putting found materials together- bearing witness to the unfoldment of the miracle of Creation at her fingertips - going for a walk with dog and finding all the materials laid out for her as if by the Ace of Wands for a new creation - Hansel and Gretel, the tiny pieces of bread that meander lovingly through the wilderness but inevitably always lead to the Big Bad Wolf of Wall Street.

Straw number 4:

There had been an art production job on Craigslist that sounded like that she could surrender to it.

• Assist artist directly with production of 2D and mixed media works of art, ranging in size from 12" x 12" to 4 x 8 ft.
• Prepare backgrounds with paint and glue for 2D work and draw out new works using projector/computer
• Assist with producing artworks for studio in a timely fashion
• Meet all deadlines for both clients and gallery shows by managing studio work flow
• Sometimes will be asked to assist with framing finished artwork
• Assist with designing elements within 2D works as needed by artist or art director
• Maintain cleanliness and safety standards within 2D studio
• Possibly develop working method to train new assistants within 2D studio as needed
• Willingness to shift from tasks as needed for studio
• Assist with loading/packing van with artwork or perhaps doing a delivery from time to time
• Log information about works as they are being created, record data about pieces
• Use scissors or xacto to cut out papers or designs
• Sort and organize colored papers into various drawers and bins based on color and texture
• Photograph works in progress and photograph final works for studio archive and client use
• Format emails to send to client with in-progress/finalized photos
• Be able to shift to new responsibilities as the needs of the studio change over time

She had worked the last 3 days on the job application - had it reviewed by a professional - and clicked "send" on Wednesday morning 3 minutes before she had to leave for work -

when it bounced back into her email box she was puzzled - why ?- she clicked the link to the post - and it had been deleted by it's author...


No time to process...

She crawled to her car - that's when the sobbing started -

She even had tried to call a friend to clear her pallet before she got to work and that person had interrupted her and had turned everything around so he could talk about his problems and worries about whether or not Derk was going to fix his she had just sort of shrugged off the incredible irony...

She had to put the kibash on feelings to go to work with her Wednesday dementia client -

And when she arrived, Penny was in Liver Failure and was neon yellow.
Hospice had been called in and Penny’s daughter was puffy from crying all night and Althea had to FOCUS:

See Appendix A, The Clients; for the rundown on Penny.


Althea was praying, of course. That's when she opened her mouth and out came the words "Maybe I should utilize reflexology and press on her liver and gall bladder points - do you mind?" Loraine, the daughter, knowing nothing of alternative methods replied "sure" - so Althea went to work diligently working all the points on Penny's feet and focusing mainly on Liver and Gallbladder on the right foot and on Stomach and Spleen on the left foot.

She did this work 4 times intermittently throughout the day - and by the time 5 o'clock rolled around - Penny was Pink Caucasian once more.

Straw number 5

Yes, Althea knew, "I saved Penny's life. At $11 per hour, 1 shift per week, I know things that can save this woman's life, but I can't even make a living for myself...

Althea overheard Loraine telling the hospice nurse about "Althea's 'flexology thing" but the hospice nurse just shook her head and said "who knows...?"

That could have been the tipping point.


Had Althea not committed her life to a life of misery as an artist, because The Voice said to, she definitely would have been a healer. She would have gone to massage school if she wasn't worried about arthritis in her hands preventing her from painting. She could then have combined that knowledge with all her other interests in spiritual healing and brought people in to her wealth of Power that way, but instead, she had followed "The Voice" telling her "No, stick with art". This might have been the deep end tipper-overer.


Was this Voice, that she had thought was her gut, all this time, just her Dad's agenda stuck in her craw from high-school, that nothing is good enough for your illuminati blood-line family to approve of? She simply did not know.

Straw number 6

The 50-gallon fish tank that Derk gave to Charles is brown and their are straight worms in the gravel. As Within, So Without.

Straw number 7

Steemit. Well, I think I will save that Straw for Chapter 3.


Satanism: self-preservation at any cost, hegalian dialectics, moral relativism, dog-eat-dog, darwinian evolutionism, fake-ass christianity, neo-feminism, nihilism, survival of the fittest, do unto others before they do unto you, kill or be killed. Although this is not what Satanists themselves practice, it is instead what has been purpetrated upon the masses by the dark luciferian el-ites - and Denver is the center of the New World Order Agenda.

Appendix A; The Clients

Bob: Althea's first client. She was cut loose from Bob when her car broke down on the way to the job, and she was expected to get there, by cab, on her own dime. Bob had prostate cancer, he chewed tobacco and liked to drink. His son and daughter in law are bikers and his son was trying to get Althea to call him sometime.

Kitty: an 87 year old great grand mother. She is a Capricorn. She worked at the Federal Reserve Bank. Her husband died 16 years ago, and she thought for sure she would go before him, because her mother had died before her father. She does not have dementia, but she is having an internal tantrum because she was not planning on outliving her husband. She sits at her big bay window all day and watches her neighbors when she's not watching the Waltons and LIttle House on the Prairie. She likes to gossip. She likes to drink coffee. She likes spaghetti. Her grandson lives in the basement for free and he's supposed to help her. But her grandson is trying to control her. He thinks she shouldn't have Pepsi or Coffee because of the caffeine. He thinks she should eat his leftovers and be happy with that. He thinks she should not watch TV so he set up an automatic shut-off on the remote so the TV will turn off if she doesn't change it every 4 hours. He has cameras set up in the living room and kitchen, to spy on grandma and make sure she isn't drinking Pepsi. Kitty was Althea's Tuesday and Thursday client for 9 months and a few weeks ago Althea showed up to Kitty's house and another caregiver was in attendance and Althea was told that the client had requested she not return. No warning - no reason given. Althea's weekly paycheck dropped from $276 per week to $88 at that moment.

Penny: Penny owns her own 3 bedroom ranch in Aurora, CO. Her daughter, Loraine and grandson Brian want the house, so they have to take care of grandma who has diabetes. Somehow the state is in on her care and all Penny's sugar level numbers are sent to the state so the family have to make sure they sort of take care of her while they kill her. I don't know if they really are intentionally consciously trying to kill her but they feed her microwaved TV dinners, ibuprofin daily, and no real interaction with the family. Brian's girlfriend Cherice and her daughter live there, with Brian's kids on weekends - The whole family goes on in the front of the house and they resent grandma is still alive in the back - you can just tell. Penny has dementia but she knows who everyone is- it's just that she doesn't know where she is a lot of the time and she thinks people are trying to kill her...wrong?. She sleeps a lot and dreams a lot and thinks her dreams are real. I don't see why she wouldn't if she has really no human contact and nothing to do but sleep and eat. Cherice was a massage therapist and so could help in many ways, but doesn't.

Sol - Sol is a 92 year old ex-carpenter from Vermont to Denver. He is an amazing guy - totally on the ball mentally, and he lives with his daughter now because he had an operation last year and could not continue to live with his 91 year old wife, who can't care for him- so they live separately and see each other on weekends. They have a truly functional family. His daughter Jane is a school teacher and she rescues abused dogs. She has 4 dogs living in their prestine house.


Appendix B: Do's and Don'ts with Derk

Act / Don't React
If Derk is grouchy, leave. Either take a walk around the block or get in the car and drive away. Wait till he calls. He needs a lot of space.
Pay attention to your words- use only positive words and if you have to say something negative, add on "but with God's help all will be well".
Don't try to talk to Derk when he is tired.
Don't try to talk about heavy subjects to Derk on the phone.
Don't talk to the dogs in the middle of the night.

Appendix C: Products

All products that are made today are shit. Buy only at the thrift store or vintage or at the pawn shop. Can-openers that work, for example can only be found at the thrift store. Modern can-openers do not open cans and break. Do not buy new clothes. Wool and natural fibers are scarce. All products made today are made by slaves in sweatshops.
Berol Prismacolor Art Pencils - originally produced by Eagle, then by Berol and recently bought out by Newell Brands- now made in Mexico and they suck now - they weigh less, because they are now made with fake ingredients, they break easily, they have hardly any pigment and the lead is often off-center in the pencil. The only way to get good pencils is to buy them on ebay as vintage.

Appendix D: Selling Art

Althea has been actively selling her work for 30 years. She began teaching Intuitive Painting in 1989. She has taught privately and at colleges. She taught for 8 years at the Colorado Free University and was never able to get her students to come to her past the initial class. When she finally left CFU, they tried to steal the name "Intuitive Painting" and get someone else to teach it. Although Althea did not trademark the name, she called the Director and told her that she felt this was unethical, as Althea had brought the name to the school herself.
In 2011, Althea developed psychic Intuitive Drawings which sold for a while on ebay, etsy and Bonanza, but then stopped. From 2008-2014, Althea was basically homeless.
In 2016, Althea began to include sigils in her work, hoping to be able to attract clients - it never caught on. Althea utilized social media sites and blogging - following the directions of master art coaches - nothing seemed to work. So, Althea began to give away Soul Mirror Sigil Talismans in 2017 - she gave away dozens of these never sold one. She has been doing sigils live for donation/tips at different Denver galleries - at first friday events and at psychic fairs - few sell. Her listings relist with no sales. Her etsy store has one sale in it. Her website gets hits on her blog about Satanic Ritual Abuse victims but she never sells her work. She has done pinterest, instagram, facebook - she sold 2 expensive pieces on facebook long ago - mainly due to scandal. Althea has found, that for herself, she is not able to spend the rigorous disciplined hours selling herself. She will either have to find someone to do that for her, or it won't happen.

Appendix E: The All

Althea has an intimate relationship with The All. She relies on one she calls God. She thinks of it as if she works for God - God is her Employer. These idiots just sign her paychecks. So she is never bothered much when she loses work, except momentarily it is a jolt, but she knows she will always get what she needs.

Nature Spirits: Althea has been working with Nature Spirits directly starting in 2018. She is utilizing directions from the Perelandra work. She hopes one day to have a garden like the one at Findhorn and Perelandra. She has also been using the M.A.P. Coning techniques for healing.

Jesus Christ: Althea has known this Guy for a long while. She has a lot of direct experience with Him despite disbelief in the bible and christianity - she believes He is real and His story was replaced by astrotheology. Even if He is the Sun.

Appendix F: The Art Monster

The Art Monster demands that he gets fed. He needs a certain amount of time devoted to him. He needs information and interesting subject matter to feed on and figure out through the creation of Art. He needs materials - some bought and some found. He needs to see new things all the time, go on trips, walks in the woods, hikes, adventure. He needs space. He needs to be pampered and he needs less drama. He needs the life force energy of his Host. Days off to prepare. He needs a sketchbook that gets drawn in daily. If he does not get what he needs, he makes her life a living hell - mainly by disconnecting her from her Intuition.

Copyright 2019 Joanna G Whitney.

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