Feminism: A new perspective

I DO NOT support any form "Domestic Violence". I believe every child both male and female have the rights to education and work but there's a deep agenda going on with all these so-called "Women Empowerment" & "Feminist Movement" funded by the west with Billions Worldwide with significant Focus on Third-world Countries with my Emphasis on "Black Societies".. I summarize my conclusion here....

In 2018, I am yet to see other races women calling themselves "Strong White Woman", "Strong Chinese woman", "Strong Arab Woman".. Its only in the black community you often hear our Women using words like "Strong Black Woman" and "Independent woman". And when they use those words.. It only means, they don't need a man and they don't need a family... thats why they've used the so called "celebrities" to create these new terms and many others "Baby mamas" and all that. The new brainwashed generation of Blackwomen now pride in calling using those terms on themselves.

The Whiteman, In the society he systematically created propaganda for the Black woman with his media, education, religion and politics has told the Black Woman that .... You are being discriminated by your Blackman. You are being Oppressed by your Blackman. Why not free yourself from your Blackman and be an Independent Woman? You can run a family by yourself, You don't need no man to tell you what to do. The Black woman has fully fell for this snare and now she see her "Blackman" as the enemy. The enemy has brainwashed and effeminated lots of Blackman such that they willingly support this movement laid down by the enemy to destroy the foundation of the Black Society which is the Black family.

I have a question for the Feminist out there... Does the Europeans put the Blackwoman on a different slaveship from the Blackman? Did the Europeans seperate the Blackwoman from the Blackman when they colonized them ? Did the Blackman raped, rob, mother and kill your kids like the Europeans did in Slavery? Now Some People out there running around talking about "Women rights" and totally forget about "the rights of the Black race"? That needs to stop. Every Black person needs to stop supporting such movement as it was never about freedom of no women(women were never enslaved in the first place) We were colonized, shackled, enslaved and sold together... We going to be delivered together.

It is time our beautiful Black women to stop fighting with the Blackman, You are suppose to be the Pillar of his rest, let him rule his household. Then you men, Man Up, take care of your household only then can we build on a Strong nation together. We cannot let all these propaganda(Feminism, LGBT rights) that the enemies are massively funding infilterate our lives and families as a Strong Black Family is what we should our Focus. They ain't funding to get people out of poverty like they fund these wicked ANTI-Family movements. For those who have been programmed to always defend this westerner's interest claim they fund our people out of poverty, Can you show me how much these Agencies have given to your poverty stricken family? Some don't even know their worth so they won't even agree to being "poor" because they don't really know what it means to be rich or in power.

This is a Psycological War we need to Fight and Win! The system has been designed to keep Black People divided so we will NEVER really see who the ENEMIES are, and even if you see them, You can always defend their interest. Wake Up My People! If we continue in this path. We will be in eternal servitude.

To end this, It is sad I have to define what a Black family looks like. The typical Black Family Structure we know is exactly the same as that documented in the Scriptures which all these movements are actually against.. Even if you don't believe in the Bible, you at least should know what a Proper structure of a Black Family looks like.

1 Corinthians 11:3 - "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; AND THE HEAD OF THE WOMAN IS THE MAN; and the head of Christ is God."

Just like a woman will be in full subjection to her boss or head at her work place with all subjection and NOT question him unnecesarily and would rather help him. The Black woman in a typical black family is supposed to be in Full Subjection to her Black man(NOT A WICKED BLACK MAN). And I urge the Black men to Clean themselves up and treat their Blackwoman right and stop abusing the authority you have. Stop breaking the Black Woman, Uplift them.. Putting the Woman Under the Man has DOES NOT mean She's Inferior to the Man, It simply means we understand Order. It only means she has he unique role to play. She should not play a man's role and vice versa, Both party are essential especially in building a strong Black Family. Order is needed in our household just like it is needed in any organization and Society. It makes no sense not to have an order in the household just like it make no sense when you say, there shouldn't be president, governors, local goverment chairmans to rule our society, that everybody should be equal in the society... There is always a need for a leader in any establishment to make progress and to function properly. Get every form of equality between the man and woman out of your mind. The woman's role is NOT a weakness but rather her strength. Both gender are NOT in competition with eachother. However, The Blackman needs to become more responsible and treat the Blackwoman better. Black woman, Prove your Man first before marrying them as you will not want an irresponsible man over you. I'd appreciate all your feedbacks on this.

Written by Aduragbemi 'Dijo.

Source : www.nairaland.com/4725851/feminism-evil-anti-black-family

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