Steem-Team Story Game

A fun story-writing game that involves creating a story as a (Steemit)team.

Each “player” adds the next line to the story.
Your addition should relate to the previous portion of the story in some way.

Anyone is welcome to pick up where the last player left off, no special skills (beyond a basic understanding of the English language) are required.

The only rules are:

  1. Limit your contribution to 5 sentences or less.
  2. Do your best to keep the story PG-13, don’t get too vulgar or offensive in your writing.
  3. Please use English only.
  4. NUMBER your entry. This is the ONLY way to be sure that the segments end up in the right place since the system will move popular posts to the top after some time.

#TWMTDW (teamwork makes the dream work)

Again, please make sure that you are not just posting random stuff.
Follow the trail that the user before you left and expand from there. (Each entry should be numbered - 1. then 2. and so on.)

I have had a lot of fun in the past with these types of story games and with so many talented writers here on Steemit I think the end result should be really interesting and fun!

Teamwork makes the dream work!


I guess I could go first and kick things off

Don't forget to number your contribution, please!

1. ) Again with the dang picture!

My sister is always showing everyone the stinkin' thing and wonders why I get so upset about it.
It's the only thing left of an awful haircut my mom gave me in the 3rd grade, everyone laughs at me... Yeah, it might be funny to some but to me, it's a reminder of how dorky I will always be. I just wish I could do something so crazy, so unexpected ... so out of character that I could shatter this sad, pathetic image they all have of me and find who I really am....

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1 column
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