[The Uncomfortable, Convenient Truth.] "Don't You Like Me?"/"Pls High Vote." [My Voting Truth]


The Title Says It All...

I have been given a "bag of money" and I'm trying to share it with as many as possible, but I'm often being treated like a "millionaire" with an endless amount of money to give. And some people are more desperate than others. In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know, and probably things you don't need to know too.

"Don't You Like Me Anymore?"
Fellow Steemian.

I am not talking about money, I'm talking about VP (voting power) and SP (Steem Power). My "bag of money" is the awesome delegation I've received from @fulltimegeek along with the invitation to the #StewardsOfGondor. So meanwhile I'm talking about nothing more than numbers and percentages, some people are acting like the whole world is going under due to my voting behaviour. I promise you, it's not the end of the world if you get a 6% vote instead of 21%. And I also promise you that you're not alone. How I vote or the content I support, is for me to decide and that has nothing to do with you personally. I'm just trying to spread as much wealth, love and positivity as possible... But I do it my way.

"Plz Gief Me Stronk Vote."
Another Steemian.

I would love to give everyone 100% votes.

With the awesome delegation from @fulltimegeek, my votes at 100% is worth ~$1.70, and I would obviously love to give that to all of you. Honestly speaking, I would've loved the opportunity to give away that amount 324 times per day to all of you... But in reality, it's impossible and that's not my fault so please, stop acting like I ruin your day due to my low percentage upvotes.

Ever since I got this delegation from @fulltimegeek, I've been a "Legend Upvoter" according to @abh12345's weekly #StewardsOfGondor reports. Each week, except the last week when I missed it by 6 votes. The "Legend Upvoter" is for those who reach no less than 1000 upvotes per week... And with that said, you should be able to understand that it would be impossible for me to cast ~1000 votes per 7 days with 100% of my VP. I would be down at 0% VP in an instant and I would never be able to give anyone a single cent.

That's not what I have in mind while I work my ass off to pay it forward and to accomplish great things for Steemit. I have delegated all my own Steem Power to a group of awesome people and we've formed the @asapers, which strive to make a difference in young Steemians lives and to help them make a difference on Steemit. That's my way of saying Thank You! to @fulltimegeek for his generosity, but it is also my way of saying "thank you" to all of you who've been supporting me. The @asapers wouldn't exist without you, and I would never have had the opportunity to create something like this without all the support. I am truly grateful for everything.

However, I didn't create the @asapers to spend all my VP and my Steem Power on these 6 individuals in the team. I didn't start this project so that I could waste all my voting power by careless and reckless voting behaviour. I launched the #asapers because I truly believe in Steemit as a community, but I also felt that we must do something to help, support and motivate others around us. I can't do that by draining my VP. I can't upvote every single article I find with 100%. That would be foolish.

I am trying to accomplish good things here, and I would love to have your support further on too... But I also require something from you. - That you either appreciate my votes, no matter the percentage or that you tell me straight up to not upvote you ever again. It's fine by me.

I am not forced to upvote certain content and if you're not satisfied with the votes I give you or how I vote, just let me know and I'll make sure to upvote someone else, who'll appreciate the gesture more than you. You are not entitled my votes. You cannot claim or request upvotes from me. I'm a human. I do things manually... And, you're not paying me.

What I do, when I do it and how I do it is for me to decide. You're obviously free to have suggestions and I always appreciate input.. But you'll never be able to steer my actions.


"Did You Miss My Recent Article?!"
Yet Another Steemian.

Time Is Limited.

I just as you, don't have unlimited time. It's impossible for me to spend 24 hours per day on Steemit. No matter how much I want it, I can't spend all that time on Steemit because I have a life outside of Steemit too. I have recently sent an application to an upcoming education that starts in March. I haven't heard anything yet but I'm crossing my fingers and I wish they will accept my application. I have not paid off by previous Student loan yet, and before I do that, I will not be eligible any new Student loans... So even if I get in, my financial situation will be terrible and I will not be able to study if I cannot get new student loans. Things like this are literally eating up all my energy and my time, and that's just one part of my life. Even with my real life situations and conditions, along with my anxiety, panic attacks and my depression, I do everything I can to launch the @asapers project successfully.

I do everything I can to commit myself to the #StewardsOfGondor to make @fulltimegeek proud and satisfied with what I do and accomplish and I do everything I can to put tons of time on my own articles and to respond on each (at least almost) all the comments I get.

My comments and my upvotes are my way of saying "Thank you" for your effort. It's my way of showing gratitude towards each Steemian I interact with or discuss things with. It's my way of spreading the wealth and my way to improve the overall experience on Steemit. And I do all of that, along with a bunch of other things... Just like most other Steemians. The time is limited and I will never be able to achieve exactly everything you want me to do... But I do my best to please as many as possible.

And There You Have It.
Everything You Need To Know...
And Probably Things You Don't Need To Know.

This whole article is based upon multiple DMs (direct messages) I've been getting lately, so I figured it was about time to let everyone know.

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