Dowry- Game of Greed

According to dictionary, dowry means an amount of property brought by bride to her husband on the day of marriage.
Now, a question arises that when dowry started and what were the reasons behind its emergence? I came across an article and read all about this. Dowry existed in pre-colonial India as well.

In precolonial India, dowry was an institution which started for the welfare of women. It was a way of giving a part of parent's property or belongings to their daughter in the same way it is given to their son's. It was given on the day of marriage so that the bride can have a say and enjoy honor in her new house after marriage.

So, in short we can say that dowry was an institution which started in ancient India for welfare of women.


When Britishers came to rule India this institution turned upside-down. In precolonial India their was no rule of private property. Their used to be kings and their ministers who used to collect revenue from people but their was no concept of privatization of property. People were free to live anywhere. But during colonization, Britishers brought in the concept of privatization of property. And in this rule, women were not allowed to have any property registered under them. Hence, an entirely new system started. From then, anything brought by bride directly went to her husband.

This means that the husband and in-laws were getting money without doing anything. All property and money for free. We all know that whenever humans get anything for free or without any struggle, hidden greed starts growing. And this greed is root cause of all sins and crimes.

This step taken by British Government changed everything.

The institution which was made for the welfare of women became their biggest enemy. From a pure institution, it turned out to be a crime.


This greed grew into a monster and started to destroy many lives. Some were killed, some were burnt alive, some thrown out of the houses. Girl child became a burden on parents because they starting worrying about the amount of dowry to be paid at the time marriage from the moment of the birth of girl child.

Many were killed in the womb. Female-infanticide grew at a rapid rate in any rural areas.

Parents of marriageable boys fixed their rates of dowry. In many states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, etc, these fixed rates still exist and are often portrayed in Bollywood Movies(sorry, I forgot the name of the movie).

In the above picture you can clearly see the rates of dowry according to occupation.

Dowry has been declared a crime by Indian government and many laws have been made against these. The laws are also implemented and those who give or take dowry can be imprisoned if a written complaint and proofs are available.


According to me, these fixed rates are not rate of dowry, these are actually the rates at which parents are selling of their sons. This is not a marriage, this is a business deal or it is more like a shopping spree.

Suppose, when we go to a furniture shop, we check the credibility of the shopkeeper, whether the product is fine or not, cost is reasonable or not? If everything is as per our wish, we pay the money and buy that piece.

In similar way, girl's family check the credibility of the bridegroom's family(seller) and checks the boy(product) whether he is upto the mark and if everything is satisfactory, the price is paid and the deal known as marriage is finalized.


If we see our country as a whole then from the outer window we will find that dowry has almost ended and things have changed a lot but if we take a deep look, if we look at each state then we will find out that this crime is still breathing fresh air in many parts.

Himani Tokas

Note: This article was published at hubpages and google blogger by me. I have not copied it entirely, instead of copied it has been rewritten. All views of readers and advice by them is heartily welcomed.

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