Advantages Of Its Fierce "As-Salam"

The Name Of God, As-Salam In Hadîts

Etymologically (languages) As-salam is the source of the welfare of the living. In this case God has spread the seeds well being upfront. The figure of the owner of the As-Salam is a source of survival. God has provided a way of salvation, God has an instinct to menepuh the way of salvation. Well-being and safety are two sides of the coin are inseparable. The perfect life is a prosperous and happy life, happy in the world and in the hereafter.
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About the name Asma al Husna inijuga has been mentioned in the Hadith, in this case ' Abdullah (bin Mas'ud) Radi ' anhu, said: If our prayer with the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam, we say: "As-Salâm (Safety) for God from his servants, and as-salâm top Fulan and si Fulan, "then the Prophet Sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said:" do not say as-Salâm upon God, as Allah is that as-Salâm, however, recite: ' At-Tahiyât (congratulations), Ash-Allaah (worship) and ath-Thayyibât (praise) for God. Greetings (salvation) as well as the grace of God, and his blessing upon you, o Prophet. And greetings upon us and the servants of God who shâlih '. " [HR Bukhâri].

Meanwhile in another Hadith also mentioned from Tsauban Radi ' anhu, he said: "in the past, when the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam has finished his prayer, he of beristighfar three times, and said: ' O Allah, you are the as-Salâm, and from thy salvation, you are the one most high who has greatness and Glory. ' " [ Muslim].

People who have discovered the meaning of "As-Salam", menauladani, and gain strength from As-Salam, so he called the ABDUS SALAM, the servant of the most Happy and prosperous. He is a person who lives a happy, prosperous and successful and happy.

Fadhilah As-Salam

Assalam fadhilah excess and very numerous, including:

First, wiridkan and say "Ya Salaam" as much as 33 times in every initiate work, God willing will be successful and happy.

Second, its and read "Ya Salaam" to people who are sick as much as 100 times, inshallah will get peace and healing.

It is like in mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad when praying:

Allaahumma antas waminkas salaam, salaam, wailaika ya'uudus, fahayyinaa bissalaam rabbanaa salaam. (O God, thou art the Saviour/giver of prosperity, of Thee advent of safety/welfare, to Thee return safety/welfare, then turn on us with happy/prosperous).

Third, the prayer of every Wiridkan completed the obligatory prayers as much as 3 times, God willing we will not find any difficulty in life, be successful and happy.

Fourth, he who many call "Yaa greeting" God will prevent from various natural disasters and disease.

Fifth, If the sick person be read to as many as 120 times, then he will be cured, or alleviated the pain, while it had not yet reached his end

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