Rani the Rooster - Chapter 2: The Three Roosters


List of Chapters:
Ch1 - https://steemit.com/fairytale/@haso/introducing-rani-the-rooster-a-new-fairytale-with-old-origins-91bc178d79708

Chapter Two – The Three Roosters
"Cock-a-doodle-doo...cock-a-doodle-dooo...cock-a-doodle-doooo!!" The three roosters had been trying to outdo each other all morning. "C'mon that's enough, let it go, Moe", said the mother hen. "Just a few more, I can hear Hari and Semi's crows starting to crackle and fade....cock-a-doodle--!!" Moe wasn't able to finish his crow. At that moment the King's servant burst into the chicken coop and grabbed Moe around his throat. "His Royal Highness will not put up with any more of this noise! His sleep has been disturbed by this wicked crowing and now he's decided -very conveniently- to have chicken soup for breakfast!” the servant shouted as he threw Moe into a big black bag. "Then he's having chicken sandwiches at lunch!" he leapt and caught Hari with both hands and threw him in the sack too. "And roast chicken for dinner!" He booted Semi, sending him smashing into the wall of the coop and then falling unconscious. The servant walked casually over and swept Semi into the black bag. It was at that point when a wagon pulled up alongside the chicken coop. King Osmond” “stepped out of the wagon. He was still in his pyjamas. He looked around the farm, observing the various animal dwellings until his gaze fell upon the chicken coop. He approached his servant who had just stepped out. The King’s eyes narrowed as he took the big black bag from the servant and made an announcement in a deep and loud voice. “From this day forth, any animal that dare disturbs the King’s slumber will meet the same doom as to which these three roosters shall soon face!” King Osmond continued glaring around with a disgruntled look a minute more and then got back in his wagon. The wagon turned around and headed back to the castle where he was to start his day with chicken soup.”


And so ended the sad story of “The Three Roosters”. They say the King ate so much that day that he was stuck on the toilet all night long. How ironic that the toilet would be the very start of all the King’s troubles many years later. And as for the reaction of the chickens and the rest of the farm animals? The King’s announcement and the story of “The Three Roosters” had quickly spread across the royal farms. Thereafter, mornings were a very quiet time in the Kingdom indeed. But all that was about to change because of one little red rooster called Rani.

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