The cross crossed all of our sins and errors and made us blameless before the father.

It had to be the cross cuz
God the greatest mathematician, in His infinite wisdom and mercies,
thought it wise to send his blameless son with zero sins to die for you and I bearing our 1001 sins on his shoulders cuz 1001x0= 0!!!

On the cross, God perfected the maths. The cross itself symbolizes the multiplication(X) sign.(Look at the X sign closely and deeply).
Our sins(uncountable) multiplied with Christ(0 sin).

God applied the concept of mathematics to set you free from sin and its vices.
Oh my! he was so calculated to ensure that no matter how you try to balance the equation, it will still amount to zero!
Zero sins
Zero guilt
Zero shame
The full cup of our guilt and shame was poured on the personality of the cross. That personality being Christ, because the cross without Christ is mere wood.
The cross without the bloodshed on it is impotent. Don't you get it?
Jesus, blameless and pure had to pour out his all on the cross so that the mathematics can be effectuated without remainder.
He paid in full with specific performance so that our contract with sin and its shackles may be terminated once and forever.
He stood in your place and took up all of your sins, pains, sorrows, shame, mistakes, weaknesses, limitations, guilt, dirt, filth...and said to you "It is finished"!

He took up so much till He became an overflowing mess and his own father (God Almighty) could not behold him at that moment.
Father turned his back against his only son an at that very instance therr was an exchange going on because as God the Father turned His back on Jesus, He was looking unto you and I, welcoming us into the new covenant with the blood. A rebirth! You were born afresh from the womb of the tomb because as Christ was raised, you were also raised in the same glory and His blood now flows in your veins.

They said "give us Barabbas, crucify Jesus!"
Barabbas didnt even ask to be released, in fact the people knew how dangerous this guy was, they knew if he was released, he will probably still steal and kill the next day but they didnt care.
Oh my!
We are Barabbases! When God chose us, he knew we will still stumble and fall every now and then and probably go back to the sins we have been delivered from but he didn't care. He loved us the same.
So no matter what you've done or what horrid past you have lived, he loves you the same.
If he could choose you over his own son on the cross, he will choose you over and over again!

If someone ever ask you what your price is, your price is Jesus! Don't even think twice cuz He paid twice the price for you.

How is it that you want to go back to the same bondage that you have been liberated from over 2000 years ago?

Grace and Peace,
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