In fact, there is a way to write!---------其实写作也是有方法的!



       写作首先得当然是灵感了,那么灵感从哪里来呢?如何快速获得灵感呢? 灵感源可以通过多读书,多看新闻,以及身边的信息获得。获得这些信息,要思考一些问题,提出一个观念,用这个观念来确定一个标题。 比如微博热搜榜、微信朋友圈热文、公众号大号、相关的行业新闻、简书,简书里面的文章质量很好,不像自媒体文章那样满是软文和鸡汤。

      有了灵感之后就是确定标题了, 标题采用数字是一个很好的方法,比如:《提高效率,让24小时当作48小时用穷人理财》;《月薪3000如何在3年内买100平方大房子》;《5个小窍门,让你远离菊花痛职场的52条套路》;《总有一款适合你21个离婚女人告诉你婚姻的12个秘密》 。 


      标题写完了基本上已经完成一半以上了,剩下的一小部分是正文了,正文可以分为四部分: 正文=引入+举例佐证+解决方案+结尾 。 

      1. 引入问题引入问题就是一个开场白,200字很容易写出来,也就是一个段落。这类写法也很容易,比如:









        3. 给出解决方案这里就是方法论与工具集了。可以采用有序列表的方式,给出详细的解决方案。



See the predecessors a few articles every day, and the income is also very high, is not very envious of it? In fact, writing is also a way. Of course, besides reading and writing, we can also get high yield and quality.

I would like to share the method now, and hope that more novice like me can benefit from it. Of course if you want to improve the level of writing, or to plough, just have the method can let you know how to start, do not know where to start, write a few hours so long.

In the first place, writing is of course inspiration. Where does the inspiration come from? How to get inspiration quickly? The source of inspiration can be obtained through more reading, more reading news, and information around it. Get this information, think about some problems, put forward an idea, and use this idea to determine a title. For example, micro-blog hot search list, WeChat friends circle hot Wen, public number, related industry news, Jane book, the quality of the articles in Jane book is very good, unlike the articles from the media that is full of soft Wen and chicken soup.

After the inspiration is to determine the title, the title of a number is a good method, such as: "to improve efficiency, make 24 hours as 48 hours with poor financial management"; "a monthly salary of 3000 to buy 100 square house in 3 years"; "5 tips, 52 routine" to keep you from Chrysanthemum pain workplace; "for a total of 21 divorced women you tell you the 12 secrets of marriage".

As a public number, most of them depend on the title party, for example, to write a single woman who makes money through the stock market every day. The title can be written as: "stunned!" 30 year old young woman is doing this one million years! "Such as writing at night playing mahjong; neighbors influence others, the title can be written as:" every night at 2, 12 residents will ring on time strange noise ", although is the title of the party but not too exaggerated, unless you're in high domestic media, nobody love the title of the party in steemit. Just look at a few examples with the method.

The title is basically over half completed, and the rest is the text. The text can be divided into four parts: text = introduction + example, evidence + solution + ending.

1. introduction of the problem is to introduce the problem is an opening, 200 words are easy to write, that is, a paragraph. This kind of writing is also easy, for example:

1) write your own information, see a message in the morning, say what, what do I feel like? Yesterday I read a book, I was talking about...

2) write the story of others a colleague suddenly resigned yesterday, he still will be passionate, did not expect to go today, while leaving the application is two weeks before that, his security measures do well...

3) directly throwing out a problem, is happiness really related to income? A research institute made a survey...

2. exemplified by the example:

1) use celebrities to support the point of view. Einstein said that imagination is far more important than knowledge. Edison said that success is 1% inspiration and 99% sweat, but 1% inspiration is more important. The famous doctor XXX said that early to bed and early to rise is good for health.

2) with the people around the experience of supporting the view I have a classmate, he is not good for the wife, but one time travel, he was taken to the sea waves, dead... I have a colleague, is a hen pecked husband. When someone else invested in P2P, he wrote a letter of thanks to his daughter-in-law.

3) use the book's point of view to prove that Gladwell, a writer in the alien category, can only become an expert in this field if he only ploughs for 10000 hours in one field.

4) to testify to the famous scientist Li Yinhe with authoritative research results.

3. the solution is the methodology and the tool set. An orderly list can be used to give a detailed solution.

4. at the end of the end, again, close the subject again, and be careful not to say something irrelevant to the subject.

Did you find that a lot of self media large numbers are basically the same way or similar. So writing is also a routine. Is there a lot of writing about the framework?

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