Do a man of self-restraint--------------做一个有涵养的人

         Conservative, lively and not letting go, making people stable and not dull, people passionate and not frivolous, calm and not a few words. A person's conservation, determines the pattern of your life, and your conservation, are hidden in the details of life.

         Seriously listening to what others are saying to you is the most necessary condition before communicating with others. People who can sink and listen to others must have a warm and inclusive heart. Listening, life is an irresistible attitude to life; is the best way to find happiness and out of loneliness. Remember not to lose your temper, no one is obliged to accept your grievances and complaints, and no one is willing to deal with all the negative energy people.

        In the face of disappointments in life, use calm face difficulties, with a smile on the side of people, so you can have more gains. Ruler has a long, inch short. Everyone has their own weaknesses. Do not laugh at other people's weaknesses for a moment's sake. Wording one three winter warm, evil villain June cold. To know the spiritual injury, more difficult to heal than the wounds on the body.

        May you work slowly in the future life on the road, but not roundabout, bo but not floating, modest gentleman legacy, gentlemanly gestures. Become an elegant person from the inside out.



         认真地倾听别人对你诉说的话语,是与他人沟通之前最必要的条件。能沉下心倾听别人的人,必然有一颗温暖和包容的心。倾听,是生命中不可拒绝的一种生活态度;是寻找快乐与走出寂寞的最佳方式。 切记不要对他人乱发脾气,没有人有义务接受你的不满和抱怨,也没有人愿意与浑身负能量的人交往。

        面对生活中不顺心的事情时,用从容不迫面对困难,用笑容感染身边的人,这样你才能有更多的收获。 尺有所长,寸有所短。每个人都有自己的短处,不要为了一时口舌之快,就讥笑别人的短处。良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。要知道心灵上的伤,比身上的伤口更难以痊愈。 


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