The greatest force in the universe

Dear Steemit community, today I want to share this letter that I read, which seems so much needed in our times, I hope you like it.

Letter from Albert Einstein sent to his daughter found in a trunk:

When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few have listened to me, and what I will reveal to you now, the result will be misunderstandings and prejudices. Please keep this letter for the necessary time, years, or decades until society is ready to know the truth. Only then is it going to show the world ... there is a tremendous force that science has not yet been able to explain. This universal force is the love. When searching for the theory of the universe, scientists have forgotten this immense invisible force. Love is light, love is an attraction because it unites people. Love is the force that multiplies everything that we have good in us. This is the only force that gives humanity the possibility of not drowning in fear ... we would live and die for love, love is God and God is love. This force occupies everything and gives meaning to life. It is a variable that we have ignored too much. Why? We are probably afraid of love ... to understand what love is, I have composed a simple exercise; if instead of E = mc², we must admit that the energy to heal the world can be achieved only through love multiplied by the power of light squared, we conclude that love is the greatest force, because it has no limits.

Only through love can we find the meaning of life, maintain peace and be reasonable, should contribute to the survival of our civilization. Probably we are not yet ready to make a love bomb, a device that is quite powerful that completely destroys hatred, selfishness and greed, everything that hurts the planet. However, each individual has a small but powerful love generator whose energy waits to be emitted. Dear Liesel, when we learn to give and receive this energy, we will understand that love overcomes everything and is capable of overcoming any obstacle, because love is the fifth essence of life. I am very sorry, since I have not been able to express to you everything that is in my heart, that is beating slowly for you. Maybe it's too late to ask for forgiveness, but time is relative. I have to say that I love you and thanks to you I have found the answer to the most important question I have ever had.


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