How To Get Rid Of The Dreaded Writer's Block

Today I want to talk to you about a thing that happens to me a lot, and I think to many other creative people as well. I want to talk about the damn Writer's Block. It happens to every writer at some point. You are staring at a blank page, or you are in the middle of something and just don't know how to go on from a specific point. It sucks. I am a writer for a TV station and Writer's Block is something that happens to me on a regular basis.

So let's get to some things you can do about this problem:

1. Stop writing and do anything else that stimulates your creative thought process

I really mean anything. You can paint, make music, build something - you get the idea. Anything that demands creativity. Just start some other project on the side. It helps me a lot. For example, a couple of weeks ago I had to write some sketches for a comedy show. When I was halfway done, I just couldn't finish. Nothing came to my mind. I was just sitting in front of my computer, staring at the screen. So I decided to go to my garden and build a small flower bed made out of an old euro pallet. When I was done I felt a lot more creative and could think freely again. So keep in mind, switch to something else for a couple of hours and it may help you continuing writing.

2. Practice writing

I know it sucks. I am a very lazy person, so practicing isn't really fun to me. But it really really helps your writing skills, when you write a small essay every day. You can use Steemit for this! Write anything that comes to your mind and post it on Steemit. Literally anything. Gardening, sports, yogurt, animals.... everything is fine. Just get your thoughts out on a daily basis. It helps you to channel your whole brain into one project when you do this.

3. Exercsise

Working out really helps me with my writing. After I trained for an hour I feel much better and my mind just becomes very free. I usually work out before I start writing, so I already integrated working out into my daily routine. And hey - it is healthy! So why wouldn't you do it...

4. Focus only on the task at hand

Don't get distracted! It sounds easier than it is. There are distractions everywhere. Just turn off your phone, if possible disconnect your pc from the internet and lock the door behind you if you have a dedicated writing room. I often catch myself browsing Steemit, Facebook or Reddit when I run out of ideas and that really is no good if you want to finish something you are currently writing. Your brain will just race from one information to another and can't focus anymore on the task at hand. So always try to write when you have eliminated all disctractions.

5. Write at a time that you personally like the most

In my case, I like to write late at night. That was just always the case. I don't know why, but when I want to write something in the morning or in the middle of the day I just don't feel very creative. I always need the calm of the night to get some words out of my brain. Know which time of day you prefer to write and stick to it!

6. Think about your project before you go to sleep

I always have to think about the things I wrote that day or wanted to write before I go to sleep. I would usually eat something then shower and when I lie in my bed I would just recap my day and think about the things that I wrote. When I wake up, I have an idea that I can add to my sketch, essay, play, whatever. Your mind will process your work over night and sometimes come up with solutions by itself. Try it out, it feels like magic!

And that's already it! I hope you like some of the points I showed you. If you have any ideas you want to add or if you don't like some things I wrote here, please let me know in the comment section below!

Have a great day!



P.S.: Not a native, sorry for eventual mistakes!

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