Fantasy Writing Prompt

Hello. Happy Thursday!

In honor of today, we garden gnomes would like to start a new writing prompt series. Once a week we're going to drop an image we find on Pixabay based on a keyword suggested by one of our minions. This week, we decided to use a keyword of our own. The keyword is "weird."

Based on that keyword, we found the following image. Here's what you've got to do:

  • Resteem this post
  • Using the image as a prompt, write a story in the fantasy genre
  • Post your story to your Steemit blog
  • Come back here and link to your story so we can read it. When you do, suggest a word (one word please) that we can use for our next image prompt search. Don't be afraid to get outlandish with your suggestions.
  • Head to our Discord server and drop your link into the #spec-fic-promo channel

That pretty much it. 100% upvotes for everyone who follows the rules and posts a story. Any word count. Just make it good. Here's the prompt:

fantasy story writing prompt
Image from Pixabay.

Devoted Cultists, Please Apply

The opportunity to join the perfect cult only comes once in a lifetime. There's no requirement to murder anyone or commit suicide. We won't ask you to drink any Kool-Aid here. And we aren't looking for some clan of extraterrestrials to arrive and take us to a fabled promised land. We're just deep down decent human beings trying to justify the air we breathe. So join us. We love to share our air.

speculative fiction writers of steemit
Created by @EdibleCthulhu

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