The Only Unchangeable Thing in the Entire Universe is Change Itself

Jesus is quoted as having stated that he spent a few days with his people, in the bowels of the Earth.

Many of the ancient writings and legends of countries in the northern hemisphere, as India, Tibet, Northern Europe, North America, etc., refer to a warm and beautiful land, beyond the great ice barrier to the north. This vast semi-tropical land is spoken of as “Agharta” wherein exists a very old, and advanced civilization, presided over by the “King of the World.”


These people are superior to those of the outer surface in knowledge, in morality, and in technology and have lived in peace for tens of thousands of years, cut off from interference or invasion by the outer barbarians, by the great ice barrier, encircling the northern and the southern apertures.

The nucleus of our planet is in the form of a small sun, suspended in the center of an enormous spherical cavity of around six thousand miles in diameter, and supplies the warmth, the light, and rays necessary for all forms of life within the inner world.

Moist air comes in through the huge 1,000 miles, opening into the polar regions, where it is condensed and falls as rain on the vast forests and ranges and finally flows out again into great rivers, where on reaching the sub-zero temperatures on the outside of the openings, is frozen into ice. This ice builds up until it reaches mountainous proportions, when it finally breaks away causing tremendous tidal waves around the surrounding area, to become yet another gigantic fresh water iceberg.

his fact alone explains why all icebergs are composed of fresh water, which until recently was another mystery. It also accounts for the fact that the surface water of the oceans around the polar regions is fresh rather than salt water, as in other areas. While there is an ever-increasing number of people in the world today who are prepared to accept the concept of a Hollow Earth as a probability, there is still a much greater percentage who, at this stage, prefer to retain the solid sphere theory.

All are entitled to their own personal views and opinions, but what the wise try to do, of course, is to first examine thoroughly as much of the available evidence as we can. Keep an open mind, study the evidence and then after weighing the pros and the cons, come to a decision. Even after doing this, our decision could still be incorrect in some of the details, in which case we would make the necessary alterations. We must at all times be prepared to change our opinions, if or when new evidence proves us wrong.

It is said that the only unchangeable thing in the entire universe is change itself.

Change is the only constant that exists. With this in mind, let us now examine some of the evidence in relation to the structure of our little planet. For some years, after the first unmanned satellite was put in orbit, we were given photos of Earth from some hundreds of miles out in space. We wondered why all satellites orbited only in a west-east direction, rather than in a north-south over the poles.

The explanation was that the extra one thousand M.P.H. (approximately the Earth’s west to east rotation was required to break from the gravitational force.

When this problem had apparently been solved, satellites (or rather potential satellites) were launched in a north-south orbit. The first one failed to turn up as scheduled, then the second, then the third, and so on. After about thirteen had disappeared entirely, a little bell must have rang in the heads of some very concerned and frustrated scientists, which in effect said, “greater initial speed and height required.” From then on, we have had satellites orbiting in a north-south direction over both points called the poles. Now, we may all ask, just where did the first dozen or more satellites go? What happened to them and why?

If there is a huge opening of around 1000 to 14000 miles in diameter at each of the axial points, the lip of which gently arcs over inwards then for a plane or satellite to fly directly over and across the center of this aperture, it would be halfway across, from 500 to 700 miles away, from or above the nearest point in the surface of Earth, in any direction.

Unless the speed was sufficient to carry it to 500 miles above the surface it would gradually arc over and by following the contours of the opening enter the interior regions. If it posed any threat to the safety of those who dwell in the great interior, in all probability steps would be taken to nullify the effects of accident or collision.

Some tens of thousands of photos were taken of the polar regions, from the successful north-south satellites, always showing basically the same thing, which was a dense vertical or swirling cloud cover over each pole. Then on November 23, 1968, the cloud mass over the north polar region only cleared for approximately two hours. The photos taken at this time were dramatically different from all the proceeding ones, showing what appeared to be an immense, perfectly circular opening where previously it was thought to consist of typical polar ice-covered land, water, or whatever.

We do not intend here to give a documentary of the findings of the many scientific explorations that have been carried out over the years since the turn of the century, as this has been done by others more experienced, and more capable writers such as William Reed, Marshall B. Gardner, Dr. Raymond Bernard, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Ray Palmer, and many more. May we say however, that almost without exception, those intrepid explorers, who have attempted to reach the poles have found things a lot different in those regions from what had been expected.

For instance, if any two expeditions were to leave from points directly opposite each other, at around the same degree of latitude, and each head directly towards the North Pole, they would neither meet nor pass each other as expected. Nor would they, if continuing in a straight line beyond where they considered the pole to be, enter anywhere approaching the territory from which the other expedition commenced, for in effect, each party would arc-over and enter the vast interior from opposite sides of the opening.

After passing the great ice barrier that encircles the polar regions all explorers have found that the temperature gets progressively warmer; ice gives way to warmer open water, the North-South horizon becomes dramatically closer or shorter, whereas the East-West horizons lengthen, even to the point where within the huge opening some have reported having seen the illusion of strange lands in the sky. Rather than an illusion, what they had seen was in reality the land mass arcing upwards in a gigantic circle, the farthest point of which, over 1000 miles away may have been obscured by haze or cloud.

In 1947 Admiral Byrd flew by plane for 1,700 miles beyond the pole and returned with some very strange stories of what he and his crew experienced. As they progressed from within the Arctic Circle, heading in a straight line in the direction of the assumed pole, they found progressively less ice and more open water with icebergs floating in it. Soon even the icebergs were absent, and the sea narrowed to the mouth of a large river.

Continuing on their course and disregarding the eccentricities of the compass (which all other explorers found also, to be completely unreliable North of 80 degrees latitude) they followed this great river upstream and found to their dismay that as far as they could see ahead and lining the river banks, were vast forests of lush vegetation, mountain ranges and valleys, teaming with countless millions of birds and animal life of all kinds. It became so warm in the plane that they had to remove their heavy clothing. Outside temperatures registered over the 70 degrees mark.

Among the many animals seen, along the river banks was a great hairy mammoth which had previously been assumed extinct. After proceeding for 1,700 odd miles, beyond the assumed location of the pole, the expedition had to return to base while still enough fuel remained in the tanks. At the farthest point reached, there still remained an apparently endless panorama of glorious sub-tropical vegetation.

Some few years later, Admiral Byrd made a similar but longer flight beyond the South Pole, with similar results. This time he ventured around 2,300 odd miles, beyond the South Pole. We can still vividly remember the sensational newspaper headlines and the quotations from Byrd’s reports on his amazing discoveries.

As with many other discoveries of great importance to humanity, these were very quickly wrapped up and tucked away in a box marked “highly classified, not to be released.” What mind boggling secrets lie gathering dust in the vaults of our so called “Intelligence Bureaus?”

Why is it that the people who have to pay the salaries of the scientists, the intelligence, the astronauts and government officials and the thousands of millions of dollars spent on exploration projects, are not permitted to know the results on the activities of their employees?

Would we be shocked to know that there truly are vast lands within our planet supporting very advanced civilizations, who unlike ourselves live in peace? To know that we are being visited by intelligent beings in craft (U.F.O.’s) from this immense inner-world, and from other planets of our system and our galaxy? That they have bases on and within our moon and have for centuries been carrying on mining activities there, to extract valuable minerals and metals.

Many of the moon-craters, being the result of huge extracting and processing machines working from the center outwards in a great spiraling effect. We are not supposed to know these things for some obscure reasons, but fortunately there are other ways of finding out the truth. We don’t have to sit and wait patiently and accept the small morsels of diluted truth handed to us by our employees, so that we will continue to pay their huge salaries and expenses.

If knowledge or information of any kind is to be given out to the world at large, it will be given and no amount of scheming by those in power will prevent it.


@acknowledgement @yehey @johndennehy @chibera

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