Knowledge Will Be Given and No Amount of Scheming by Those in Power Will Prevent It

If knowledge or information of any kind is to be given out to the world at large, it will be given and no amount of scheming by those in power will prevent it. @cecicastor


If we but relax and listen
To the voice that speaks within us,
We may hear the words of wisdom
Coming as in rhythmic cycles.

We may see the forms and patterns
Of those thoughts that are projected,
From the source we’ve known and trusted,
From a time remote and distant.

Long before this incarnation @danielapetk
We may feel that loving presence, @da-dawn
Of our Sisters and our Brothers @creatr
From those distant realms and places, @kida
Far beyond the swirling vortex @cmoljoe
Of this little Solar System. @ura-soul

From the home we love so dearly @neo-wiza
Which we glimpse in dreams and visions, @krisstofer
Tantalizingly revealing @whitedolphin
But a minute portion only
Of that which we’ve come to cherish.

More than life within the turmoil
Of this troubled little planet,
Long ago a race of beings
Came from other worlds and places.

Of this vast Galactic System
To this young evolving planet,
To lay out the planned foundations
Of a later race to follow.

Which would give young souls evolving
Through the universal school rooms,
Opportunities of learning
Through experience, their teacher.

“Let us make ‘Man’ in our own image”
Said the great ones in their wisdom.
“Give to him freewill and knowledge
Of the laws that are to guide him
On the pathway of his choosing.

That he may emerge a worthy and
An honorable pupil
And a candidate for other
Classrooms of higher order.

So it was the laws brought justice
To the race of Man, evolving
Through the classroom of this planet
Under scrutiny and guidance.

Of initiates and teachers
Like for like, to him was given
As he chose, was it provided
As he planted in his garden.

As he reaped, in days to follow
Thoughts of love and peace, to others
Brought about co-operation
On all levels of existence.

In Man’s vast Edenic Garden
Deep within the sheltered bosom
Of this lovely little planet
Also, on the outer surface.

Over many thousands of decades
Men progressed and raised the standards
On the patterns of his teachers,
His instructors and advisors.

From the earth within and other
Lands across the Cosmic Oceans,
Plants and fruits of all descriptions
Grew in bounteous profusion.

In the forests and the farm lands
Cities grew in dream like beauty,
Built of polished stone and metals
Interspersed with streams and gardens.

Springs and fountains in the park lands
Through which animals and birds alike,
Flew or romped with little children
For none feared and none were threatened.


This Picture is of the Pilot Sananda;
Last seen in the Seventh Navarian Field of Light - piloting a Mother-Ship 30 miles long and 20 miles wide.

To all of the GOOD PEOPLE: You Are Not Alone!

In the harmony prevailing
In these lands of peace and plenty,
With technology increasing
Under prolonged supervision.

By the volunteer advisors
Who had come from other places
Ships were built to fly the skyways
And to skim across the oceans,

Powered by the Cosmic Forces
And the energies existing
In unlimited abundance.

As millions rolled onward
There were some who chose the pathway
Of unvirtuous behavior,
And by stealth and by aggression
Chose to raid, destroy and plunder
To the detriment of others.

Dark clouds formed by greed and anger
By the thoughts that were emerging
From the minds of scheming mortals
Brought much discontent into nature.

In the place of peace and beauty
And the harmonious existence,
To the point where bloodshed and war
Brought the “Wrath of God” cascading
From the seas and from the heavens.

As Earth Mother in her anguish
Writhed and tossed in pained convulsions
Deep within the sheltered center
In the vast Edenic Garden.

Far from turbulence and movements
Of the outer crust and oceans,
Dealt that higher race of people (the descendants
Where they lived in peace, abiding of the Ancients)
By the laws that have existed
In the constant now, forever.

Here it was they brought many
Of the law-abiding people
Prior to the cataclysmic
Inundations of the surface.

For the wise ones knew beforehand,
The effects must follow causes
The result of freewill action
By the ones whose chosen pathway
Brought about their own destruction.

Here these people have resided
Throughout many thousand decades,
Isolated and protected
From barbarian invaders
By impregnable ice masses
That surround the polar doorways.

Coming, going through these doorways
They have seen Man’s many vices
Up to prominence and power
Only to again go downward.

The result of violation
Of the Cosmic Laws provided
For his guidance on the pathway
Of eternal peace and progress.

These, the people of the center
Are, of course, in constant contact
With those adjudicated beings
Of that great Galactic Order.

Know that you, and every being That exists in all Creation, Are but portion of the Father, Of the One who is eternal, Manifesting through a body, Molded by your thoughts and actions, Molded by desires and Motives, By your Errors and your Virtues; That each is Eternal Spirit from the Humblest to the Highest, Giving each his contribution to the Great Eternal One-ness To the Pool of Conscious being, individual yet merging, Giving always, and receiving as we choose by Contribution.

Frank Howard

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