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I am caught up in a moment while life is happening.
I wonder what it would be like to have a little girl. If I ever do, I'd definitely tell her never to make the mistakes young ladies make today.

These would likely be my sincere advice to her.
Growing up is a Trap, so sit your slender butt down and learn.
Get to discover who you are first and what you want out of life before involving others.
have your own career, dreams, home,
bank account and lifestyle going
before bringing extra luggage into your life; the chances of losing your
Identity is higher than your chances of staying married.
Independence is valuable, sometimes, you will become bored, even with your husband.

Get a pet if you wish and learn to love yourself first.
Never shower love on an ungrateful person and expect same in return; Love is a two faced coin.
Don't care too much and don't push too hard, just be yourself.
Love with your head not with your heart.
Always do good to people.
Don't marry because all your friends are married and you feel it's the world's biggest achievement.
Never say 'yes I do' if you are not ready because I won't put pressure on you.
The reason behind what I feel is that I grew up with my sisters seeing them learn how to live and be alone.
They learned to live as individuals, take themselves out, take themselves shopping, entertained themselves, also, learned to get our parents ready for work. They taught themselves to be everything they never were and it made them better not bitter. Prayers helped them, so did
__Again I say to the young girls;
Get to know who you are before
wanting to be committed in a
The world needs more women as
Doctors, Scientist, Explorers,
Pilots, Engineers, Lawyers, not just
Teachers or nurses or what we sometimes refer to as 'House Wives'.
You can be so much more if you
stop wanting a house with a
family and being just satisfied with 'etok etok (little) mentality'.

The world awaits you as
President, Archeologists,
Dentist, Surgeons.
Travel to Spain, Canada, Paris,
Italy, Cuba, China, not just for fun or Medical checkups like some travelling President, but to see the world, experience other cultures, tour the African countries,
learn to speak more than English, If you can invent something, do it.
Stop talking about Buhari and his rotten feelings about the youth, it's only a lazy Man's thought.
Stop living a mediocre lifestyle.

Get to know who you are,
not what a man is and what he
please yourself, do not wait on a man to please you.
buy your own confidence, diamond, silver, chocolates, and whatever.
It is Your Life, sometimes we buy into
partnership wanting the other person to act in a certain way, such as buying us gifts, showing affections and being fake just to gain satisfaction.
Trust me, if you put a little effort in yourself, the rest will be Glory drawn out from your Story.

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