
My daughter Never regret over anything that has once made you happy in life. Never worry yourself over things you can't change in life. Don't be desperate for anything life. When you are too desperate people knows you're weak, its human nature to take advantage of the weak.

Never break a promise you make to yourself. Never allow people's judgement to put your life on hold. Anyone who cannot feel your sadness has no right to define your happiness in life. You become wise when you stopped living your life for people's attention and you become matured when you stopped reading meaning or paying attention to everything people say about you.

Those who live for people's validation may die seeking their approval. To see how old you look don't look at the mirror but go and see an old friend you haven't seen in 20 yrs. To discover yourself you must know your nature. To know your power, you must find your weakness. To get the answer for your future, try and compare your past with your present. To have a friend you must be a friend. To be easier to forget be easy to get. To know a stupid liar they always have poor memory.

To frustrate your enemies, put them in suspense. To be heard, learn how to listen. To be a good listener, never listen to reply but listen to understand. The best dialogue is the one you have with yourself. The greatest war in life is to be your own enemy, fighting against yourself.

The first rule of love is to love yourself. You can't give what you don't have, until you love yourself It's hard to love others. Show me your best friend and i will ask you if you've ever had any problem in life, because real friendship is never in laughing together but in crying together. Happiness is an inside job, never give or expect too much of it from an outsider. Learn to be your own best friend and you will never be lonely again. Learn to make your own happiness and you will never be sad again. Your happiness is your sole responsibility.. Never raise your expectations too high on anyone in life. Sometimes the person you are willing to die for is actually the one behind the trigger. Always take a moment to appreciate those who go out of their way to do SOMETHING for you because that SOMETHING could be their EVERYTHING. .

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