The festive period has come and gone. Indeed it was an exciting and interesting experienced for me. I had lots of fun and I really enjoyed myself.

This year holiday for me was quite different because I decided to spend it with one of my friends in another village instead of my own hometown.

My friend is from mbiaobong village in Ini local government area of Akwa ibom state, Nigeria. It is a small remote village, the people engages in trading, craft work, fishing and mostly farming as their occupation. They specialized in gari production (cassava flakes) for commercial purposes.
Gari (cassavas flakes) is one of the most consumable food in Nigerians homes.

During my stay there, I learnt how to make garri. The process involve in the production of garri is quite tedious although, it was fun learning the ways of how it is produced.

The steps I learnt are as follows:
Step one: I and my friend went to the farm to harvest the cassava. After harvesting, it was peeled and washed.
Photo of peeled cassava after washing them.

Step two : After washing the cassava, the next step is to grind it. We took the cassava for grinding because my friend did not have the grinding machine at home.
Picture of when grinding the cassava and the grinded machine

Step three: The grinded cassava was packed in a sack bag and put in another machine. The machine is meant to squeeze out the water from the cassava for it to be dry.
Photo of packing the grinded cassava in a sack bag.
Photo of the packed cassava in the sack bag.

Picture of the machine use for squeezing out the water from the grinded cassava.

Step four: The next thing is to sieve the cassava in order to remove the chaffs from the cassava . To get a smooth powder form.
Photo of when sieving the cassava flour

Step five : After sieving it to get a smooth cassava powder, the next step is to fry it. This is one of the most stressful and tedious process in garri production . I found it very difficult to fry it at first because of the heat and smoke from the firewood. You know that was my first time to make use of firewood to cook or fry #laughing#. Anyways, I finally fried the garri with the help of my friend. And the garri was ready!
Picture of frying the gArri

Yes ! I did it!!! I produced cassava flakes (garri). I was so happy. You can imagine the excitement and joy on my face that day.
Photo of gArri After frying and it is ready consumption

I am happy I made use of my holiday productively and effectively to learn new things and not just for fun alone.

I hope sharing this with you, you have also learnt how to produce garri too for yourself?😂😂😂



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