Institutional Gampong (Village) Krueng Simpo, Bireuen District -- Kelembagaan Gampong (Desa) Krueng Simpo, Kabupaten Bireuen.


Assalamualaikum Steemian friends, I am currently in Gampong (village) Krueng Simpo, District July, Bireun District. To conduct Legal Counseling tasks, the event is held in the Village office. And I see the pamphlets of institutions that have been formed by Gampong Krueng Simpo.

Assalamualaikum teman-teman Steemian,saat ini saya berada di Gampong (desa) Krueng Simpo, Kecamatan Juli, Kabupaten Bireun. Untuk melakukan tugas Penyuluhan Hukum, acara tersebut dilaksanakan di kantor Desa. Dan saya melihat Pamflet lembaga-lembaga yang telah di bentuk oleh Gampong Krueng Simpo.

Some of these institutions are

  1. Gampong Owned Enterprises (BUMG),
  2. Anti-Drug Task Force (STAN),
  3. The Celebration of Islamic Day (PHBI),
  4. Service Post Appropriate Technology Village (POSYANTEKDES),
  5. Tuha Pheut,
  6. Tuha Lapan,
  7. The Council of Ta'lim,
  8. Empowerment of Family Welfare (PKK),
  9. Karang Taruna,
  10. Posyandu,
  11. Family Planning Post,
  12. Krueng Simpo Football Association (PSKP).

Beberapa lembaga diantaranya adalah

  1. Badan Usaha Milik Gampong (BUMG),
  2. Satuan Tugas Anti Narkoba (STAN),
  3. Perayaan Hari Besar Islam (PHBI),
  4. Pos Pelayanan Teknologi Tepat Guna Desa (POSYANTEKDES),
  5. Tuha Pheut,
  6. Tuha Lapan,
  7. Majelis Ta'lim,
  8. Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK),
  9. Karang Taruna,
  10. Posyandu,
  11. Pos KB,
  12. Persatuan Sepakbola Krueng Simpo (PSKP).

Incredible for Gampong Krueng Simpo, hopefully more successful,

Luar biasa untuk Gampong Krueng Simpo, semoga semakin sukses,

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