My Complicated Love Story


I just stared......

Are you OK?  He asked coming closer to me.... I opened my mouth to talk, but words weren't coming, it seemed like something was stucked down my throat...  Why does he always do this to me. Vincent always had the supernatural  power to make me lose my confidence and composure around him. Apart from being one the of the most handsomest man I have ever seen, he had this deep soulful eyes and an unwavering gaze, that whenever he looks straight at me I find it difficult not to blush. I had a huge crush on Vincent and secretly loved and wished for him.... 

On so many levels it was wrong.... The feelings I had were forbidden... Vincent was 27, 8years older than my 19years of age... He saw me just as a little sister because his parents and mine were close friends.. I have known him since I was a child and have always felt that way about him. Vincent had a younger brother who was schooling in the States, his name was Emmanuel. Emmanuel was 22 and closer to my  age than Vincent, but I only had eyes for Vincent. He was such a Man.....

I couldn't tell Vincent about my feelings because he would laugh it off and probably not take it seriously, plus as an African lady, it wasn't my job to woo a man... So I kept on dying in silence.

Then, Vincent travelled out of the country in search of greener pastures. The day he left, I felt sad and heartbroken..... It felt like something was ripped out of my chest and I longed for him to come back. Even if he couldn't notice me, I just enjoyed seeing him there.... After he left, I kept on loving him,  checking up on him on different social media and texting to know how he was doing

Then Emmanuel came back from the states after his studies


Their parents were so excited about Emmanuel's returned that the organized a party in honour of him. Of course, my family was invited as we were close friends with their family. At the party I met Emmanuel after a long time of not seeing each, we hugged and expressed our joy at seeing each other again. I could see Emmanuel has grown from the young boy I used to know. He had grown beards and a masculine voice, but he still had that boyish look and mischievous smile he always had.  Its good to know some things never change. 

Eve, you have really grown into a woman. You are no longer that small girl I used to play with, he said...

I laughed and told him change is constant. He held my hands and walked beside me throughout the event. I teased him about not letting me have breathing space and he replied, " if I leave you, all these guys will begin to approach you, and I don't want that"... I just laughed. He was always protecting me, even when we were younger.

At the end of the event, as I was about to leave he said, "come out on a date with me Eve. We need to catch up and talk about old times. I told him I would love to.... So we scheduled to meet the next day...

When I got home That night he called to wish me a good night. I woke up to his text the next morning

" rise and shine Beautiful, wish you a fun-filled day"


I smiled and went about my activities. In the evening I got ready for the date. And he came with his father's car to pick me up... I noticed he was trying hard to Impress me, with all the dressing and expensive perfume. Well, I didn't wanna read too much meaning into it so I just went along. 

We went to an Eatery and after we took our seats, he ordered for food. While we were waiting to be served, he kept staring at me. I was shy and a bit embarrassed and I was wondering what was going in his head, then he spoke up

"Eve, do you know I have loved you for as long as I can remember? I have secretly loved you since we were younger. I have been waiting for the right time to tell you And I think its now. Am done with school, so I want to concentrate on you and on making money for us. I have met lots of girls in the course of my study but my mind keeps coming back to you,  you are the only girl I have ever imagined spending my life with. Can you do me the honour of being my lady and the love of my life????

I was dumbfounded....

I felt like running....

I lost my appetite.......

I just stared at him...... trying to imagine how shocked he will look when I tell him am in love with his older brother, how his cute boyish face will change to an ugly frown.......

What should I tell him? Should I tell him, I was in love with his older brother and break his heart?

Should I say yes? Would it be fair to go into a relationship with him knowing that I dont love him like I do his older brother and I might never be able to love him like that?

Should I say yes, because my forbidden love for his older brother will never work anyway since he's way out of my league and doesn't have interest In me?

Will my love for his older brother ever die? Is it just a flimsy girlish crush that won't last? Its been 3years now

"What do you say? He asked gently holding my hands and looking up at me so expectant and nervous... All I could see was a younger version of VINCENT......

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