TRUMP - one truly good conversation


How much I hate this Trump guy! I cannot even tell what a prick that is!


Now, why are you making this silly sound?

I am thinking how it must be to be walk in his shoes.

Yeah, surely he walks all in Prada or shit like that! Or no! Crocodile Dundee style sneakers. Bet he walks all soft and comfortable, this f-cking idiot!

You almost sound like him. Actually ... a little worse, I would say.

WTF??!! But I am not him!

Then why do you behave so trumpish? Admit it, you admire him a little, don't you?

Nohhoohh ... oh, nooooohooo. You don't know me. Not at all. You think you do, smarty pants. But you don't!
I hate this guy, did I say that? How can I admire someone I hate so deeply? But no, I'm not asking you that, delete it. He is going to ridicule the whole world! He is embarrassing, all the intellectuals feel ashamed to be named Americans now. Gosh, what a pimp he is!


Is that all you want so say?

Well, yes. At least I am allowed to ask a question?

I know I will regret that. But go ahead.

Is he right now the worst human example on your mind? Or does someone else trump that?

HaHaHa! You are so funny!
No, I can't think of anyone whom I hate more than him! Argh ... even this face always on the news. I want to punch into the screen! He makes me so aggressive!

Wow, how much energy you've got. ... What if Donald would invite you for having a beer with him? At his private bar, let's say?

I have to vomit right away. Lift a beer with Donald? Never!

Pretend that you don't have a choice. What would you ask him?

Nah ... but well, ... okay. Just pretend he sits there with me ...yuk ... I'd ask him why he is doing what he is doing.

You think you'd get a satisfying answer for that one?

Then don't ask me such a stupid question! I don't want to sit and have a beer with this devil!

Does he have children? Do you think his children hate him?

For sure, they do!

And his wife?

Hates him, too!

And relatives?

Everyone hates him, probably. He makes the whole world hating him!

Wow. What a powerful guy that is.

Now... wait a minute! Do YOU admire him?

No. But he serves well as the bad guy. Everyone gets what one wants, no? Perfect deal. You get a Trump, so you don't have to bother with yourself and he gets half of a nation to not look at himself. But ... sorry, I got carried away. What I actually would like to ask: What if there would be no Trump? Who would be the second worst person you choose to hate?

Don't think that you can provoke me! I am not this simple minded person you think I am! I know that I can be bad at times! And what does that mean, I "choose"? You don't choose to hate someone! It happens! Just because of what that guy does!

Aha? Interesting ... But who'd be the second worst person then?

... Dunno!

Do yourself a favor.

Oh, you ... you ... Okay! ... Putin, I guess...nah... I can't think of another one. This yellow hair and tanned face just always comes in the way! Man, he is like Hitler of some sorts. Not to erase from the plane anymore!

Well then. ... Why don't you decide to think about Trump every day at eight o'clock in the morning, twelve o'clock at noon and six o'clock in the evening, and to hate him hard at the same time? As hard as you can?

Are you nuts??!! Why should I do that?

You are doing it anyway, no? So it would be a bit channeled and you would have a Trump free mind for the rest of your day, wouldn't you?

Aha. Apart from the fact that this is an idiotic idea: what is that supposed to do?

Having fun.

Okay. You clearly are out of your mind. I wanna be freed from that Trump guy! I want to get rid of him! There is no fun involved thinking of him!

Than why don't you free yourself?

Gosh! Why am I even talking to you?

Cause we are sitting at my kitchen table?

I don't talk to you any more! Let's just sit.

Alright. Let's sit.




In all earnest? Eight in the mornin?


END ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Picture: from Of this SVG, Roland Geider (Ogre); of the orignal,Noe,

I am going to post in this feverish producing mood as long as it lasts.
While having fun with it.

REMOTE PERCEPTION - one truly good conversation

CHOCOLATE - one truly good conversation

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