On quality content | Personal ramblings

I love seeing Steemit posts that are effort-driven. Of course, some here would definitely contest that most posts here are written down with much effort, but of course, how we see posts is purely subjective. In this case, as a 'curator,' what kinds of posts do I deem as excellent and effort-driven?

Being on Steemit, with the goal of collecting as much rewards as possible, quality content is the way to go... followed by effective engagement. Image Source

How has your day been? That's a good place to start when writing an excellent blog post. Image Source

How would I define excellent?

Let me begin with online definitions of the term excellent.

: very good of its kind : eminently good : first-class

Awesome -- those three definitions definitely sum it up! An excellent post for me makes me ignore all of its apparent flaws. It is that engaging and beautiful. 

It is an awesome post when, upon reading everything about it, you took something off of it. It doesn't matter if it's a new scientific discovery, or an unexplored but adventurous place, or a new art technique, or a life-long lesson. There is something special from it, and that, in itself, is what makes it one of a kind.

It is an excellent post when it makes me curious how the author's day has been. Oh, he had dinner in this new place I'd never been to before. Oh, he studied something interesting that I'd been meaning to learn! Oh, that's new! And still manage to narrate it so well I feel like I was there, too.

It is an excellent post when I see the underlying effort behind it. It's relatively easy to see those. In fact, even without reading through half the post, there is an instant recognition on the effort placed into it.

There goes the effort.

I would see the effort put into writing. Writing is never easy, especially with a cluttered mind. Here's a tip: write as if no one's going to read it besides yourself. So what if it's littered with grammatical errors? So what if there are too many typos? Consider writing for yourself first and foremost; others come second.

Sit down, chill. Don't be in a rush! Take your time, and make your post worth it. Image Source

I would see the effort put into aesthetics. Formatting a post makes it 10 times more engaging. Good formatting definitely makes the article look pleasing, but it's seriously time consuming. 

At this note, let me urge you to make use of the editing options here on Steemit. They exist there for a reason: formatting.

Furthermore, stop abusing the block-quote option. Using it once in a while is good, but too much can be annoying. Actually knowing how to paraphrase is a plus point for effort.

For more formatting options, you can read this months-old post: Pimp Your Post with this Simple Cheat Sheet! Just COPY and PASTE! 

I would see the effort put into collating information. Collecting information, putting them together, and putting them into your own words are difficult things to do. Also actually citing the source! 

Don't be in a hurry: blogging isn't a race. Image Source


Lastly, relax! The rewards here on Steemit can definitely excite new and old Steemians alike, but don't be in a rush.

Take your time. The world isn't out to get you. It's out to reward your efforts accordingly. While time is of the essence, worthwhile content is, too. Don't deprive yourself and your potential readers a quality content you can provide.

Putting additional effort into things you do isn't a 'pain-in-the-ass.' Look at it as an investment. In fact, the only investment you're putting, if you're like me who didn't spend a single penny to invest fully on Steem.

Write like you will a diary, but with more heart and effort.

Aira's Notes: I wrote this because... blogging isn't a race. Here on Steemit, writing is an investment. Make it worth the profit. In essence, don't make me look at Steemit as 'easy money.' Make me look at it as somewhere new and inexperienced bloggers will grow, with rewards accordingly gained.

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