Avoid these Mistakes on your MBA Essays

Before even reading the questions and prompts for the MBA applications, most have made a checklist (written or mental) of the accomplishments, highlights, and goals they want to share in their essays. While this is very helpful in mapping out the stories to share, and the profile to present, be careful of these common mistakes:

Not answering the questions!

As an example, take a look at the prompt below from one of the top MBA programs:

“Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and explain why. In addition, describe a situation where you failed. How did these experiences impact your relationships with others? Comment on what you learned”

All applicants identify the achievement they want to play up and are able to extensively set up the details regarding this part (even filling in unnecessary details). This results in a having a very limited space to discuss the failure aspect. Surprisingly, even with the great care taken to reflect, review, and revise, more often than not, applicants forget to address the question about how these experiences impacted their relationship with others.

Applicants often get fixated on one or two parts of a long prompt and totally miss out on a critical part. This is a very basic mistake committed during the essay writing process, no matter how much time and effort invested. Thus, be mindful of the need to match prompts and responses, before clicking the submit button.

Not showing how!

You know that you have to share awards, distinctions, and accomplishments to strengthen your application chances. However, just as importantly, you need to identify how you were able to win these. Relating the specific actions you took and your outstanding personal qualities will help demonstrate your potential to do the same in the future.

So take the opportunities to showcase the key factors that led to successes and choose the ones that would also be applicable for your future endeavors. For example, you may have inherent physical gifts, such as extraordinary hand-eye coordination that allowed you to excel in multiple sports, but it would be better to highlight qualities such as focus, drive, and leadership skills as these would be more applicable to your post-MBA career leading teams or building a business.

Not explaining why!

Another chance to connect on a deeper level is to explain your motivations for what you have done in the past, or for your future plans. Whether explicitly prompted or not, share more of yourself by explaining your background, interests, and goals. Showing personal reflection and honesty helps you put forth an engaging application package, and allows the admissions committee to get to know you better.

Sounds easy, right? Avoiding these three easy misses will surely raise your chances for a home run application.

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