Monetizing Each Article Is No Longer Guaranteed On HubPages

When I first joined the Hubpages writing platform in 2016, everything that I posted on my HubPages channel was published on the website of and advertisements were automatically added to each article. Of course, back then I could not monetize on any of my articles until after I got approved for a Google Adsense account.

Nowadays, Google Adsense is being phased out of HubPages's compensation plan for Hubbers, which is what people who write for HubPages are called. For a while, this same change was a godsend to everyone on this writing platform. However, not too long thereafter, the HubPages writing platform began to duplicate Hubbers' articles onto and all of the advertisements were moved over from to that new website. However, HubPages did not duplicate each and every one of the Hubbers' articles to that same website, unless they met up to the more rigid standards that HubPages was imposing than before.

Recently I had to learn about this new practice on HubPages the hard way. I had published my 68th article on my HubPages channel, and I noticed that they had not duplicated it onto Meanwhile, I was losing commission inasmuch as there were no advertisements on where it was published. I polished up that same article here and there, and then I contacted their Team HubPages to ask them what was going on with that article and why it had not been duplicated into the format.

Team HubPages explained to me that it had to be promoted from to They finally went ahead and did exactly that with my 68th article. I felt so much relief and even joy when I saw that some of the advertisements that they plugged into my article on were very expensive ones, which meant more commission for me.

I will not deny that I always feel that I can breathe better whenever I write something and publish it here on the Hive platform in that the Hive platform doesn't have all the rigid requirements to earn money on it that HubPages has. However, at the same time, I want any of you who are interested in joining the HubPages writing platform not to let anything that I have stated herein discourage you from doing so. Their requirements do take some getting used to, but, in the long run, you'll be glad that you joined their writing platform.

You can watch a video to get an idea of what it is like to write for the HubPages platform at the following link: The video I am referring to appears at the top of the same article to which that same link takes you. I wanted to embed that same video herein, but, unfortunately, I couldn't do so inasmuch as it does not appear on YouTube or Vimeo. Drats! Anyhow, do watch that same video from beginning to end. You can also get a general sense of what HubPages is all about in the video below.

Information On How To Make Money On The HubPages Writing Platform

My followers are probably wondering when I will be writing my next juicy, controversial article and posting it here on my Hive-Blog channel and my PEAKD channel. Well, I'm working on it, and you likely won't have to wait much longer. Do give HubPages a try. In any event, from your Spaceship Captain, I wish you all the best of luck on your journey as a writer and as a prospective digital nomad.

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