Technology’s Influence

Should parents restrict children from using specific types of technology? In this day, and age technology is everywhere, everything is being made now with some type of computer components or software.

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Technology must be used every day whether people like it or not. Technology is used for both good and bad purposes, how parents, and users manage their usage of technology is how we restrict using specific types of technology.

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When it comes to gaming, every parent’s hair on the back of their head raises. This is especially the case when, the focus is on their children’s usage of technology. In most cases this type of technology usage is detrimental to the child’s growth, when it comes to academics.

On the other hand, the technology is not to blame, but rather the user, for example; if people had to play more educational or skill developing games this would be a huge benefit.

It is said that playing certain types of computer or video games can increase the users hand eye coordination. This would be highly helpful for specialised jobs, one being a surgeon, but also strengthens neurological pathways.

Now the fact that more than 150 million Americans play video games, means that there will be more than 150 million doctors in the future? This will not happen. Hand eye coordination is something that can be used in many fields of work, even in some trade. There are other benefits that playing video games have, one being a way to develop strategy, this could come in handy.

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This is just one type of technology that most parents are very concerned about, but there are many more worse things out there.
The problem is not what parents are restricting, but rather what parents are allowing. Parents should not restrict the usage of specific technologies, but rather guild the usage into something that would be beneficial to the user.

This is one of the things I wrote for my course, this is the very first one. My course study ID:10342746

References: 155M Americans play video games, and 80% of households own a gaming device, DALE NORTH, April 14, 2015 9:30am

Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

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