Improve your Writing (Revision)

Whenever you have written something always go back and go through it again. A great way to do this is sleeping on it. When your mind has a time to rest and is fresh it becomes a lot easier to go back and go through the paper.

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When revising the paper make sure that all the main ideas and structure are perfect. Revising your paper is not like proofreading, here you are not looking at grammar or punctuation, but rather the whole picture. You may want to change some ideas and even a few paragraphs, or even add a few things here and there.

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When going through the paper, make sure that you are looking for anything that is off topic and does not support your thesis, remove or change these things. You would also want to check if everything is logically in order and that it is all supportive of the main idea.

Check all your transitions you have used in and between paragraphs. Correcting these things will help the reader understand your writing as well as make your writing look more professional.

Make sure to check your language in your paper as well as the information. For example; if you are writing an article on honey for a heath industry you will use different jargon and language compared to writhing a children's story about honey.

Go through your tone and other use of information to check if they match up with your audience. Also make sure that this also captures your reader.

When going through your thesis check that it is well described and supported by your main idea and all your information within your paragraphs.

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In your conclusion, makes sure that it closes your topic, main idea and your thesis. Some writing requires a few this left hanging and a few loose ends. Make sure that you try to tie up all loose string where possible; most topics that you will write about will require this and you will be able to do this.

A great way to check all these things is by using an outline. Just like you would use and outline to organise your work you can use it to check your work. This is a great idea as you get a summarised view of all your work and then you will be able to see where certain things are lacking. You can now quickly change it on your outline and then in your writing.

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This is how I felt these past few days and thus I have implemented a few changes.

Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$2:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

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