Improve your Writing (Proofreading)

If writing it wasn't hard enough... Now you have to read through it again. But "I am lazy" you tell yourself, "I am sure nothing is wrong". Sad thing is you have to do it, it might be hard at times.

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Today I am not going to ptoofread this post just to show you how many mistakes do came up. I normally proofread all my posts and every now and then you guys comment on some mistakes that are in the post. See if you cn find these mistakes in this post.

Why is it important to proofrad your work? Proofreading sucks, we all know this, I even hate it, but it is really important. While we write we usually write quite fast and our grammar and smelling usually comes out fun and inventive, but is should not be this way.

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You are not meant to be creating new words, we have more than enough already. You should also not be adding new grammar rules to that horrible long list of rules.

Mistakes might seem small, but many added together can become a huge disaster for your paper. Ever read a CV and looked at all the mistakes and thought "this guy is an idiot" how can you hire someone that can't write properly, or is to lazy to proofread?

When writing something you want to leave like that cool guy with them shades on and swag suit. So come on people make your writing look professional. Let me show you the difference:

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Just like above, if your reading looks amazing your reader will want to read more. Thes also increases clarity in your paper and it helps make your paper smooth, so remove thses small mistakes and proofread.

A few examples: Link

- "The sun is a natural source of ultraviolent rays."
Corrected: "The sun is a natural source of ultraviolet rays."

- "Rome was invaded by the ballbearings."
Corrected: "Rome was invaded by the barbarians."

- "At the battle of Hastings the Angels and the Saxons were defeated by the Mormans."
Corrected: "At the battle of Hastings the Anglos and the Saxons were defeated by the Normans."

- "Joan of Arc was burnt at the steak."
Corrected: "Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake."

- "Romeo and Juliet tell each other how much they love each other in the baloney scene."
Corrected: "Romeo and Juliet tell each other how much they love each other in the balcony scene."

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Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$2:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

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