Improve your Writing (Introductions and Conclusions)

Your introduction and conclusion in any paper is very important. Ever wanted to start reading something and you stopped because the introduction was bad? Ever read an amazing paper and never shared it with anyone else, or advised someone else to read it because the ending was just not great?

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Your introduction of any paper is what attracts the reader and convinces them to read more. Your conclusion should always entice your reader to want to share what they read with others.

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Your introduction should lay out your whole paper and show your reader where you are going and what they can expect. Make sure to have a strong introduction, stating the topic and the thesis.

Your introduction always shows how long your paper will be. The longer your introduction the longer your paper should be. Generally you will have one paragraph, but if your paper is longer than 7 pages, have an extra paragraph for your introduction.

When starting you introduction paragraph, add some interesting information about the topic you are writing about. This is a great idea on how to get your readers to read more of your paper. Asking a question is a great way to involve your reader and introduce them to what you will be speaking about.

Make sure that the tone is reflected in your introductory paragraph and hook your reader so they will crave more.

For those of you who just can't get an introduction paragraph out and you getting really frustrated. Step back and just start writing. You can always come back and write your introduction paragraph later. Always avoid Clichés.

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End with a bang! And no I don't mean blow up your laptop... Wrap up your topic and anything else you have left in your paper that will need closure. Your conclusion must state the important points again and must make the reader know they are important. If you have expressed a side on a certain topic make sure that this is brought up again with a simple "I believe" or "this is" statement. Make sure that this last paragraph(s) have no new information in them.

There are many different ways to conclude your paper. Here are some:

  • Tie back - Where you link your end with the beginning. This would depend on what you had for the beginning and how you personally want to relate the end back to it.
  • Statement - Directly state something that links to your thesis and that links your thesis to something bigger.
  • Solution - State a solution if you have presented a problem in your introduction.

Things to avoid when writing your conclusion: Do not have to much emotion in your conclusion. Do not re-writ your introduction again or say things you have already said. Never use the words "in conclusion", the reader will know when the end is coming.

Information source: Original ink

As far as yesterdays posts go I have decided that I will not kill myself. Thus I will be working on a new method of doing exercise according to the value. I am not sure what the amount will be today and will have the same statement us. If the amount is the same I will be changing it tomorrow and will then continue doing the exercises as promised.

Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

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