Strength Is Weakness

Today in our society we are prompted in different ways to believe that violence is strength. But that couldn't be further from the truth. That's because it doesn't take any special ability to choose to engage in violence with others and rather than it being a sign of strength, it's a sign of weakness in many ways; it's an admittance of defeat of your intellectual faculties.

It takes patience, wisdom, creativity, and humility, to try and resolve conflict without resorting to violence and these are not symptoms of weakness.

When someone can humble themselves to apologize or try to make peace with others, even if they don't believe themselves to be in the wrong, I would say that this is a great sign of strength. To hold your words back when you feel like doing otherwise when someone has done you wrong, or to stop yourself from lashing out on others or their property when you get triggered to do so, is a sign that you're able to control yourself and that isn't weakness.

Peaceful conflict resolution should be a sign of strength.

Instead, we have a system today that champions never-ending war and all those who take part; coupled with an invulnerability to any sort of criticism of the agenda or those who are responsible for directly pushing it forward. And this is the case despite many veterans who have been very passionate about expressing their own personal experiences and horrors of war, and how they believe that it isn't the path to be following.

Our society is rather unsophisticated in the way that it chooses to celebrate and continues to engage in endless war and violence in exercising its authority. Instead of opting to choose violence as a shameful and last resort, we seem all too eager to get involved in engaging in numerous conflicts around the world. And we rush to resorting to violence at the first sign of trouble.

But destroying families doesn't promote strength, neither does inflicting widespread collateral damage on various regions around the world. Bankrupting a nation over a corrupt and misguided foreign policy isn't a sign of strength either, trillions of dollars in debt signals the exact opposite--weakness.

Forgiveness, kindness, and mercy, take strength. But being angry, violent, and unforgiving, is rather easy. We are told that we can secure peace through strength and that this strength is represented by military might, but that path only fuels further violence. Killing innocent people and destroying communities doesn't promote peace, no matter what sort of a spin those initiating the scenario might want to give it.

We can thank the Federal Reserve for making the never-ending warfare a possibility and also our leaders who have driven multi-generations into debt by selling them on the idea that the endeavor was for their benefit. It might be easy to brush aside those who we have conflict with, as someone who is unreasonable and can never be communicated with etc, but if that is the stance that we take then the answer we will always resort to is violence. And when we continue to choose that path, we shouldn't be surprised when it never comes to an end.

Trying to solve disputes via force is an uncivilized method to use if we're looking to remedy various disagreements. Peace cannot be achieved or maintained by force.


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