The world inventions: From horse and horse carriage, and from horse and cart to the car!


There have always been ways to be transported when getting from place A to place B. And today, we are sending product and humans through the distribution channels, and we are using logistics to understand what is going on!

There is uncertainty from earlier times when humans travelled from one place to another. But the idea with horse and horse carriage can be very old, and some people mean that this happened about 3 000 years before Christ! This development had its origin in Mesopotamia, some researchers claim. But there is uncertainty about it, since we use history knowledge and speculation about it. But there is not just harmony and agreement among researchers as there is among other people. Researchers are just a mirror of what people believe! Such is it many times! Some researchers think that the horse carriage was used for between 4 200 and 3 000 years before Christ. So the years back in time, together with what actually happened and why is not filled with certainty!

The idea with horse and cart was used to 1950. And it came to the world as already mentioned. But some of the horse carriages were with four wheels, and some of the horse carriages were with two wheels. People were born to use the actual technology in question when getting from one place to another place.

After using the horse and cart from a long time, there was a new product development going on. And all products have their fascinating or boring history! But the products using in time were something you were born with in different systems, and they were used in a lot of cultures around the world. But the technology for transportation has developed even more, and today most families are using the car! How did this really occurred?

The car has its history back to the 1700s, when it started with steam powered vehicles. The French guy Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804) built such a vehicle in 1769, and it could reach the speed of 6 km/h. In 1771, he built one more steam powered vehicle, and he lost the control when driving it, and he bumped into a wall and caused the first car accident. You must always be very careful when driving the car, since there are plenty of examples of people doing collisions with them! And many of these could be avoided with carefully driving! Steam powered vehicles had some popularity in Great Britain, but they had to use a man with a red flag in front of the car when driving. This made the whole thing unpractical and uneconomical, and it implied that Great Britain used their efforts on building the railway instead!

It was the development of the combustion engine that did it practical with self-powered vehicles. The German developer Carl Benz got ready a petrol powered car in 3 July 1886, and this was the very start of the car without using steam! Nearly at the same time, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach developed a car in Stuttgart, and it happened also in Wien with the German person Siegfried Marcus. But Carl Benz was the first with the combustion engine which we use today, and which is coming in new versions from time to time, and which have the newest and most updated technology as possible in the markets. All combustion engines have the same principles for doing their working operations when driving!

The outer characteristics of the car were special in the beginning of the 1900s. The wheels were big, and this was due to bad standard on the roads. The cars were high, and many of them were not standardized, but they were adapted to use from families to families, and from organizations to organizations.

One of the first developed car after Carl Benz was the Ford Model T. This was a popular car among people, and it was mass produced in the United States. It was developed and sold from 1908 to 1927. The reason that the name was Ford Model T, was that is was produced by Ford Motor Company and the T was from Tin Lizzie. It was a practical car, and therefore many people started to used it to various private purposes for bringing humans and goods and articles from the different places to a destination! When the Ford Model T was developed, they were cars that were scarce, expensive and often unreliable! It was Henry Ford that had the idea and the design for this car type!

After Carl Benz, the French and the American persons started to produce new cars. In France, Peugeot started the car adventure in 1891. In USA, you got the Cadillac, Winton and the Ford cars in the beginning of the 1900s. Accordingly, the pioneers in the car industry came from Germany, France and USA. This was the beginning of a new time with the new transportation ways!

After the first world war, the car was a thing to use for everyone! The mass production implied that the prices went down, and simultaneously the purchasing power went up! Accordingly, many more companies and private people could buy the car to the pleasure of all that got a pleasant trip! Today, the combustion engines are still used, but they are under pressure, and maybe the car companies will use another technology in the future, and that is due to the fact that the combustion engine implies much pollution when assessing the uses to all cars that are going around!

Technical improvements on the cars implied that they got enclosed body. After a while, the cars got steering in the front, and they also got the engine in front. Before, these things were used in other places, and the new experiments that were made, implied that the newest technology should have the steering, the steering wheel and the engine in the front! The steering system has been several places in the car, and the engine has also been located in the back part of the car! We got front-wheel driving for the cars in 1934.

All technology implies different ways to use an object for the subject in question, and therefore research and development is always desirable to take the development of the products even in better ways than existing thinking has thought about!

After the second world was, the mass production of the car was a fact. This implied that Volkswagen and Fiat made their cars to the pleasure and the enjoyment of people and organizations. This had great consequences for people and their mobility, and it changed the appearance to different cities and towns in the world. Instead of living nearby the place where you worked, you could take the car to come there! This was a progress and a technical revolution! A number of technical solutions on the cars were developed in the 1960s and in the 1970s. This development was in accordance to different needs that occurred from the actual history of time.

From the oil crisis in the 1970s, the car use has gone a lot of criticism from various teams. The criticism is about using energy, and for getting pollution locally and globally from the different using purposes. This development has implied that the sellers of cars today, must pinpoint the cars environmental benefits in addition to all the other qualities that the car in question has. To sell a car as other things you can sell, is to buy the arguments and the benefits that follow. And the development of the modern car has been equal and unequal for different cars on the globe! Today, the new and innovative development of cars is the electric car, and you have to use power to get it from place to place. And this implies that you must refill the car with power at the charging stations. The government in different countries has stimulated the buying of this car type by doing their use cheaper than cars that are using petrol and diesel. We must follow the development in the future, and use the type of car that is recommended centrally and locally!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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