MCU movies Ranked.

The superhero genre has dominated the today’s cinema. And the most constant suppliers for these addictions is this highly popular universe: MCU. These movies are making billions every year and this universe just keeps expanding. If I would have told you in 2008 that there is a movie coming with 68 major characters in it, would you have believed me? No I don’t think so. MCU has total 17 big budget movies with which they have attracted global audiences and won the heart of many.

Below I rank these movies on my opinion. BEWARE, it’s my opinion and not your daily critic’s, so don’t criticize.

P.S: I haven’t watched Thor Ragnarok yet.

16- The Incredible Hulk

Well, let’s face it. The Incredible Hulk is the weakest entry to come out of MCU. The main villain was boring. The pacing was balls and it just didn’t feel like a superhero movie. Edward Nortan performance was fine but every other actor was… ehh. It would have been better if they would have totally left Hulk for the Avengers. The plot was also boring with little to no stakes. The only good thing in this movie was the post credit scene with Tony Stark which connected this movie with MCU and made us wait for the next installment. Now I just hope we get the Planet Hulk movie, wouldn’t that be amazing.

MY SCORE: 6/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: hulk vs. abomination fight

15- Iron Man 2
This sequel to the 2008’s game changing blockbuster Iron Man was nothing that made original such a joy to watch. Robert D. Jr’s performance was still charismatic as Tony Stark but it was terrible writing and lousy dialogues which made it fail. It did have some spectacular action sequences and brilliant visual effects like that briefcase scene but eye candy was never enough for me. The villain was also usual MARVEL disposable bad guy. Though Don Cheadle’s take on War Machine was sublime.

MY SCORE: 6/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Climax fight.

14- Thor 2
Take Tom Hiddleson’s Loki out of it, you are left with a pointless movie which tries to take it way too seriously. Thor is such an awesome character but when done right, and here he was not done right. At times, there were forced jokes those didn’t even bring a chuckle. ANOTHER MARVEL DISPOSABLE BAD GUY was there. Anthony Hopkins was not as good as in the first one and entire earth plot was pure trash. But there were moments of enjoyment especially in all the scenes concerning Loki.

MY SCORE: 6/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Loki’s death scene.

13- Avengers 2
Just like Iron Man 2, this movie failed to live up to expectations. Thor comedic arc was continued and Natasha-Banner romance was a stain on both character’s awesomeness. Ultron was such a waste of potential though he is still one of the better villains in MCU. Barton mini arc was good but pointless. And it was after this movie I thought that this franchise is converting into a comedic misadventure. The Maximoff sibling arc was decent and so was Cap’s but they weren’t able to save this highly anticipated movie.

MY SCORE: 6/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Cap trying to lift Thor’s hammer.

12- Ant Man
This one is the most unique movie in this franchise; it’s more of a heist film. Paul Rudd’s take on Ant Man was gleeful and it was one of the better comedies of 2015. The main villain was disposable (most of them are) but fine till purpose. It was the heist concept that intrigued me most and it was also executed wonderfully. Though a sense of realism would have been such a cherished blossom for it. Michael Pena’s performance as Luis was splendid; he, for sure, stole the movie.

MY SCORE: 7/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Ant Man infiltrating avenger’s tower.

11- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 recaptures the old traits that made the first one such an awesome film and sometimes even improves on them. With characters already developed, dazzling visuals and a very well written and occasionally funny script makes it one of the better entries in MCU. The main plot was fine but it was Yondu’s arc which takes the throne of being the best part of this film. And Michael Rooker performance was sure award worthy. And Soundtrack. Gosh, the soundtrack was awesome.

MY SCORE: 7/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Yondu’s sacrifice.

10- Iron Man 3
This is maybe one of the most controversial movies of MCU because of its treatment of Mandarin. In comics, Mandarin is such a terrific villain and because of that, the hype was real. The movie diverged from comics and brought a twist which hit people differently. To me, it was fine but then again, I haven’t ever read a single comic book. Other than that, the movie was quite a wild ride. Tony stark hit some new lows but then punches back strong. And the scenes showing his PTSD state were quite good. But the pacing was not good and that fire guy, ANOTHER MARVEL DISPOSABLE VILLAIN.

MY SCORE: 7/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Attack on Tony’s estate.

9- Thor
The original Thor was a good film. It had a sublime villain, a great script and made perfect use of Thor by humanizing him. The earth characters performance were also excellent and so were the Asgardians. Visual effects were also top notch and the score was also good. The Frost Giants scenes were pretty lame but Loki’s witty schemes made up for them. One of the better origins story’s out there.

MY SCORE: 7/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Odin telling Loki about his true parentage.

8- Guardians of the Galaxy
On paper, the concept of a talking tree and a raccoon saving the galaxy seems lame, but James Gunn executed it so masterfully that maybe Guardian’s was the most fun flick of 2014. There was a good humor, fantastic visuals and brilliant chemistry between the team. The best way to explain this movie is that it is a lost child of Star Wars and Star Trek… with good music. The music was great.

MY SCORE: 7.5/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Dance off, Bro!

7- Doctor Strange.
Nailing characters like Sherlock was just not enough for Benedict Cumberbatch. The concept of Doctor Strange is easily the one which could have fallen. But then again, the end product was fascinating with eye popping visuals, a layered hero and brilliant climax sequence. This one was meant to be watched in 3D on the largest screen possible.

MY SCORE: 8/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Dormamu, I’ve come to bargain!

6- Captain America
I never thought that I would like a guy who wears stars on his suit and wears a helmet. But here I am, with him being my favourite character. Captain America: The First Avenger made something work which would have been cheesy even in 70’s. With great cast, a fine villain, splendid script and a loyal, patriotic, charismatic hero, this movie sure won against all odds.

MY SCORE: 8.5/10

Favourite Scene: Cap’s birth.

5- Spiderman Homecoming
This is the Spiderman movie I’ve been waiting for centuries. Sure, the 2004 version was fantastic but this is how Spidey should look like, act like and feel like. Tom Holland brought his A game and the entire supporting cast was also sublime. But the villain was what that differentiated this movie from rest of MCU movies. He didn’t want to rule over the world neither had some dire plans to inflict pain on Peter Parker; he was simply a guy running a business to feed his family and pay his bills. Tony Stark role as a mentor was also a great sub plot which was essential for the character development of both characters. This was the definite Spiderman experience. Can’t wait for the next one!

MY SCORE: 8.5/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Peter surviving the wreckage. “Go Spiderman.”

4- Iron Man
This movie had tough competition; it came out the same year as THE DARK KNIGHT. Granted, it wasn’t as good as its competitor but it was still one of the finest movies of that year and maybe the best origin story since the original Superman. Robert D. Junior was the perfect casting choice for Tony Stark. He brought the both witty and heroic side of the character in equal proportion while also keeping humor in check. The visuals were also eye dazzling and script which was anything but boring. And that post credit scene. Still gives me Goosebumps.

MY SCORE: 9/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: The cave scenes

3- The Avengers.
This is best explained as a grand finale. An epic climax to a joyful ride which was phase 1 of MCU. This was the movie which brought so many projects into greenlight (Man of Steel, Days of future past) and showed that it can work. First of all, Loki and Hulk were easily the standouts in such an outstanding ensemble. The only character who didn’t shine was Hawkeye, he spend majority of his screen time as a brainwashed terminator. But all the rest of cast and their chemistry were glee to watch. I don’t know they make me remember the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Yep! No Idea why.

MY SCORE: 9/10


2- Captain America: Civil War
Yes, it’s filled with fiery blasts and CGI heavy fight scenes but it also plays with stake and real life problems. Cap is faced with dire choices and so is Tony. Some usual Marvel jokes are present here and there but the seriousness of drama is never toned down. From Rhodey’s fall to Cap nearly killing Tony, everything hit hard. The other supporting characters were also used magnificently and the introduction of Spidey couldn’t have been done better. This movie was the résumé of Russo Brothers for Infinity War.

MY SCORE: 9/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: Cap and Bucky vs. Tony

1-Captain America: Winter Soldier
This movie was a love letter to the 70’s spy movies. With brilliantly well written script and realistic action sequences makes Cap 2 arguably the most serious movie in the entire MCU. Chris Evans is so perfect as a star spangled hero that it’s difficult to even imagine someone filling his shoes. Sebastian Stan was also able to play both the conflicted side and a T-1000 level daunting villain flawlessly.

Cap was vulnerable here. This is what I loved most about his character, he wasn’t a superhero. Granted, he had abilities but still he is the most “human” of the entire comic characters we’ve got on silver screen. And the other things that distinguish this movie from its counterparts is its plot, it’s more of a political drama.

Dialogues are very well written and stakes are really high. This is maybe one of the finest superhero movies of all time

MY SCORE: 10/10

FAVOURITE SCENE: The entire movie.

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