Family Vacation - Friday Fictioneers 100-Word Story

Good morning, Steemians!

As mentioned in my #introduceyourself post, I write 100-word stories every Wednesday (or Thursday or Friday, depending on my schedule) based on a photo prompt. This is this week's submission, the original version of which can be found on my blog

Hope you enjoy!

©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 100

Family Vacation

The three families walked along the ancient streets in little groups; each one talking about what they were seeing.

It was a fabulous day and all were so happy to be there together.

Suddenly, they realised a little one was missing. Frantically they split up calling Tyler's name. Dad tried to remember what Tyler was wearing that morning should he have to give a description. Mom was imagining all the worst possible scenarios.

Grinning ear-to-ear, little Tyler suddenly appeared. "I went to the bathroom all by myself, Mommy!"

Undecided whether to smack him or hug him, Mom chose the latter.

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