My Province Along With Other Regions Will Get Eased Down With The Lockdown Situation On Monday

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I or we have yet to experience and or discover what situation will be this coming Monday here in my Province in particular where I live because we will just be transitioned from a strict lockdown into a more eased-up one where people can go anywhere freely provided that they will do essential things like buying of foods and other necessities.

Most of the businesses will open but I am still not sure if restaurants would be allowed because obviously the mode of transmission of the virus is high in restaurants where people eat close to each other.

So if they will be allowed to open that system must be changed and so the new normal will have to be followed like social distancing wherever you go, on queues or waiting lines, inside groceries, malls, or any establishments for that matter.

Wearing of masks in public also is important and as long as there is no cure yet for CoViD-19 we just have to follow strict measures in order to avoid getting the dreaded disease that had killed thousands already and infected more people which still happens as of this writing.

I am a bit excited too that I might also enjoy again the food that I always eat during my dialysis. The fried pork pieces in a brown gravy over rice. I liked it so much that I make my mother to buy two extra rice aside from the rice within the rice bowl meal itself.

Now I just plan to eat it at the last hour of my session or even maybe at home. Ever since th lockdown had began the convenience store that serves it at the town center near where I have my dialysis session done never had the supply that they needed. SO they just now serve what was available at the cooling shelves like softdrinks and such but not the hot rice meal anymore.

I hope that my parents would now be soon allowed to buy our groceries to the supermarket even though I know that it is far from being a normal activity because of the social distancing, the checkpoints, and the low supply of goods and other necessities.

The children also will now have to learn from home with the aid of the Internet. So they will be using their gadgets for the purpose now and I guess that my nieces ad nephews will have their lives revolved around those tech instruments because their studies doesn't have to get compromised.

But I wonder if there will be no vaccine we can use for this pandemic? I think it will really impact our lives negatively as people will get subjected to constant fear, worry, and all that because not all viruses in our modern world could not get taken out from our world like the common flu or HIV-AIDS and Hepatitis B, C, etc.

We just have to pray for a cure to get developed because I really do not want to see most importantly my relatives/lovedones to get sick of the virus, I do not myself want to get sick of it too, it is hard to die from it if not so expensive too. So we have to turn to God because this event against humanity is unusual, we needed a divine intervention for the pandemic to stop, it is also affecting my already hard and prodigal life already. May God help us all.

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