My Father Doesn't Use The Phone That I Gave To Him And It Hurts My Feelings


If Only I Really Knew That He Will Reject This I Wouldn't Had Bought It Sigh

A few weeks ago I bought my father a basic phone because he told me that his phone has having issues already and he wants me to buy him a basic phone similar to what my mother uses which is a Philips brand and has a big battery for a more extended use time.

But I noticed that he is not using it and just told me at one time that he has having signal problems with it which just means that he is belittling the phone that I gave him and that I bough a crap phone for him.

I am expecting that really from him and my fears of rejection just came into reality. Now I learned my lesson, I will not buy him anything anymore because of his behavior that I should say that is my peeve because he always irritates me in many aspects.

It is just hard to explain but if you wanted an idea to what I am talking about it is like this for example. If you say to him to stay inside he will go outside. That is a simple way that I would put it plus he has a history of destroying the things that I bought before like my nonstick pans, my thermos for holding hot water, even that special bowl that he stuck to the oven toaster which melted.

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Not to mention that infrared stove that he dismantled too and it infuriates me when I think about that. In short he is just not valuing the stuffs that I bought while the things that he bought remains in the house like that radio cassette player, VHS player, and the wooden Camel display that actually was already outside the house ready for throwing out in the garbage for a long time but he picked it up again, painted and re-displayed on our divider.

I only bought him that phone because my father was the one driving me to and from the dialysis center so I just owed him a lot and buying him the phone is just my way of saying thank you even though of course his efforts for me is almost equal to my life but the thing is that he is not valuing the thing that I bought for him in this regard.

So now I will never buy him anything because of that as it hurts my feelings really if somebody just rejects anything that I have to offer. I hate rejections which is why I am not always the type of offering or giving anything.

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