I Loved,was hurt,moved on and made steemit ^^

When were hurt you have to moved on the past..look forward to the next epesode of your life and challenges ahead of you.Not easy though,but make yourself busy do the things you used to do or find something that interest you.Focus your mind and be occupied
It's really a big help.Waiting attitude is a must and be patient to the right person.

I know there is lots of people out there do relate..which is very common these days,even married people does.Solving the problem together and ready to forgive is the key,endure,what they all need to do is remembering the day when they first met and loved each other, the happy moments they spent..till they grow old together.Not only for married couple but to everyone out there who had Best friends,relatives and whom you loved etch..

In Colosians 13:7 says..

Love bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things,endures all things.

Like this old lovely couple


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