Always keep dreaming at your passion!

Since you start to take responsibility to your life and actions all that family and society is doing is to grow inside yourself the main idea that after you graduate you have to choose a well payed job to survive day by day. If you like painting and you do it for a wile most of people woun’t give you a chance to survive from it. Why so? Because almost hole of your family is or was working as employee who hated their jobs and doing it because lack of opportunities or because this is the only thing that they can do.

My case

I like to write, hell yeah, that’s the thing that I enjoy the most. But what my parents think about it? It’s just a hobby sun, you have to graduate and then start working for surviving, take the writing thing out of your mind. The explication: they work 8 or more hours/day just to put the bread on our tables. They do this not from pleasure, but because this is the only thing they know or they have no other chance.

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”-Confucius

The essence of loving what you are doing is in Confucius quote bellow. But how many of us love what they work? Too few people, most of them, like my parents do this only for a living only because that is the thing that are capable or prepared for. False. Find the thing you love the most to do and practice it every day, as long as it is necessary to be the best in it. People start to lose the main purpose of life:love.Love for your partner, for your friends, for your work. The world is no longer a world of love, is a world of surviving, conflict, hate and bulling. I know I’m getting away from the main point of this article but that’s the truth.

How I find my passion for writing?

Honestly I don’t know and I really don’t care. That’s the thing I fell I want to do in my life and the rest is bullshit. I think that the real things from your life come from nowhere and you simply wake up with them in your mind. And if this happens be sure to never let go, for any reason.

I don’t consider it a work. For me writing my book is no work. It is passion, it is the thing that gives me satisfaction, is the thing that I do without obligation or necessity. I put my energy in it, my time and everything just because I love it. Being capable of opening your eyes and see what you really want, that is real art, passion, that is life.


No matter what happens in life, never stop doing what you love, what you like, because when you give up at it you destroy a piece of yourself.

Keep doing what you are intended to do.

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