Immortality by Digital data transfer


Human have been searching for the elixir of life throughout every period of history and it may now be within reach.
Scientists believes that People may soon achieve immortality by uploading their mind to a computer, and then even transcend the need of a body. The trickiest part is obviously to create a program that can handle the functioning of a brain, but many projects are already underway to take up the challenge.

Billionaire Dmitry Itskov belives technology will allow him to live forever in a holographic body and he also has revealed controversial plans to upload his own brain and become immortal by 2045.

As crazy as it sounds, whole brain emulation (WBE), or mind uploading, might be this first technique that will make it possible to become immortal by living forever as a digital entity in a virtual universe, only transferring to a physical device from time to time, to interact with the "real" world.

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