Shall the world ever have the peace before the corruption by the world system

The way the world is changing as it has changed over years there is something we ought to observe in this entire movement as we have observed in the previous years and how the world has been over taken by the evil system which never allows people to be at peace. Does it mean the system is crumbling or corrupted?

The answer is a big yes and how to fix it is the how question which is all over our minds and that alone makes us to be skeptical of which kind of solution we have to employ so as to make it a better place. This how question is as i see very difficult to as at this kind of level because this is beyond us the ones living in such destitution.

The reason as to why peace can not exist because of how the world has been subdued and covered by the blanket of darkness from the dark world but us as christians, we get over such things because of our identity in Christ which clearly defines us and that is just enough to clearly trample on the existing system which has completely and thouroughly taken the world by suprise but we are in the know as we children of God.

Since there is a war with in th hearts of people, there is almost total difficulty to overcome such things because when peace run away from people, alot of their rights are infringed on by those top politicians who are working for the kingdom of darkness and that is not a problem for them. Therefore there is a high call from all of us to realize where we come from and where the Lord is taking us and that calls for complete surrender of all that you were surrounding yourself with and completely embracing a new kind of doctrine and that comes through mindsets.

The mindset you have entirely depends on the degree of people you have been sitting under and thats the channel in which it shifts to either another thing or a complete change in your life but caution is that learn to create peace in your heart. let peace reign in your heart and tell me if you wont get over some of these things like oppression. Oppression will come because of how best your mind has been fed on the wrong gospel especially that of this world and hece learn to acknowledge what you believe.

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