Why I Lost My Writing Motivation and How I Got it Back in Minutes

I never knew I'd lost it, until I couldn't come up with something to write for 3 days. At first, I thought it was because I wasn't settled and believed that when I'm settled, I will be able to write like I use to. But, oh no I was pretty wrong.

Writing, to me is beyond opening a notebook or a notepad and saying; this is what I want to write about. I do write before, every minute even without putting down anything on a book or pad. I write events in my head, I write experiences in my mind and I write poems in my action.

So I became a bit settled in my own apartment without any other person's interruption and expected I will keep the writing juice on and write like never before, but for some reasons I couldn't understand, the writing mojo seems lost forever.

I'd write down different topics, but to form words around them will become difficult like when an elephant is trying to enter the mouth of a needle.

The problem was that; I was treating the wrong problem with the wrong solution, so everything was wrong and nothing wrong wasn't wrong.

But I want to get it right again and write more than before, not until I wrote this post title and the first paragraph and the second and the third and this one, I didn't gain my writing zeal back.

The Magic

I can't write better than I read and I think, this is particular to me. When I was writing my first book that never got published in 2016 titled "The Rich Incomenomy", I'd read not less than 5 articles and two chapters of different books, before I'd begin writing a chapter and I will pause middle way to read some more. I did that until I wrote a 13 chapters and 55 thousand word book that never got published.

It was the best achievement of my life that I never achieved or celebrated. It was the best book anyone can write and could have become a best selling author because everything I predicted about bitcoin and crytocurrency in the book are already fulfilled.

Not until I read those things that do motivate me, I never had the motivation and courage to put this down. And since I begin writing this, I got my writing juice on and I know it will be easy to get it back if I lost it again and that's because I first need to be motivated before I can motivate anyone else.

The More I read, the better I write

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