The thinking, learn the art to walk on your thoughts ! ๐Ÿ˜‡

Image source quote written by me.

You can't escape your mind as long as you are in this body and you will not escape your mind as long as you are in this world ?

Why are you fighting something that is such an essential part of your body ?

stoping and blaming your mind for thinking, is like blaming your legs for walking and blaming your stomach for digesting. Your negative thoughts are only signs of bad relationship, that you have with your mind.

The mind thinking negatively is like a little child screaming for your attention and love. The mind is not meant to be positive or negative all the time it will play the both role but, You have to realize and train your mind that, your mind is as Interested in your growth as you are.

And if you really want to make peace with your mind to use it for your growth then you just need to observe your thought process instead of resisting it. Let the thoughts come and go if you learn this. Then you will become more and more aware of making decisions.

Nothing will pull back your development when you mastered in making peace with your mind.

After all if you want be in peace then You be a peace.

Thanks for reading, share your views below.

Regards : Atish darpel

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